I just want to protect you....

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Katya's POV 

"NO! You can't tell them. They'll never believe me. I have no proof anyway." Adore yells at Bianca. The younger boy rubs at his temples as the older paces back and forth. 

"I'm only trying to protect you. If I can't get rid of him at least let me get him locked up." Bianca tries negotiating. Trixie curls up in my lap and let's out a whimper. 

"Guys" I try in a warning voice but the two just keep arguing. Adore's eyes are glassing up more with every passing second. 

"Going to the police will only make it worse." He insists as he stands up straight. 

"How. He can't hurt you from behind bars." Bianca walks around the kitchen table closer to the younger man.

"Hellloooo" I try to get their attention again to no avail. 

"That's the most naive thing I've ever hears you say." Adore says throwing his hands up. 

"Guys" I say louder and adores eyes flick over for a millisecond before Bianca speaks again.

"How!" He shouts getting even closer to the tear tracked boy. 

"Nothing will stick. He'll get out, Bianca, he will KILL ME!" Adore yells back right in his face. 

"GUYS!" I yell over them and they stop and look at me. Trixie is shaking violently in my arms. "You're upsetting both Trixie and yourselves. So stop."

Trixie's POV 

I sob softly into Katya's neck, his shirt balled up in my hands. "Dada m scared." I sniffle out before he yells loudly making me jump. 

"Oh my god Trixie I'm so sorry!" Adore is saying right by my side before he hugs me. I keep clutching onto Katya. He's my safety blanket.

"Adore can you get his paci please. He's not going to calm without it" Katya says before standing up still holding me and moving to the lounge area. He lays me down and grabs a big fluffy blanket wrapping me in it before sliding in behind me. 

"Here Trixie fuck I'm so sorry." Adore says handing me the clear paci covered with pink sparkles. My eyes automatically light up despite the tears trickling out and I snatched it, popping it in my mouth. 

"Watch it with the snatching little one" Katya warns as he holds me close. Suddenly, I see Bianca's face in front of me with tears also spilling from his eyes. 

"Trixie. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Honestly honey." His hand clasps onto mine and I nuzzle into it weirdly making him chuckle before Katya speaks again. 

"What if we told Ru? She'd know what to do."

Bianca's POV

I can't believe this... I keep fucking up with everyone. Trixie and Adore.... The more I though about this the more the tears fell. I just wanted to protect those I love but I just was putting them in more danger... 

I hang my head as I walk into the bedroom carrying the bag of treats that I had bought earlier. I divide it all up into three bags as I walk back down stairs handing the three a bag each. "What is this Bianca?" Katya questioned. "Something I bought earlier for you all and I think you all may need it now... I'm sorry. I'm going to go upstairs. Enjoy your treats." 

I turn around and take off upstairs not even letting them say thank you. I look at Adore and my room and shake my head. I don't deserve Adore's love... I don't deserve Katya and Trixie's friendship. I grab my pillow and my blanket closing the door behind myself. I wasn't going to let myself hurt Adore anymore. I walked into the spare bedroom and locked the door. I close the curtains before shutting off the light surrounding myself in darkness... 

The dark, desolate, and place where I am completely alone to hurt no one but myself. I lay on the floor and cry, until my mind completely turns off and all I do is stare at the wall. I deserve this... I deserve this.... Things keep flashing in my mind. Adore cut up and bruised... Trixie scared and shaking in Katya's lap.... Adore's glassed over eyes.... Katya's disapproval.... I fling myself back and forth grabbing at my hair tugging at it. Back to the nightmare that is my own mind.... 

"I'm sorry Katya...."

"I'm sorry Trixie...."

"I'm sorry kitten...."

That was my mantra..... I couldn't shake myself from it as I am paralyzed in my own mind. I am reduced to repeating those three lines over and over as the tears fall.

{{AN I know this seems really dark atm but it will get better promise. ;)}}

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