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Katya's POV 

Bianca and I walked around the mall only stopping in a few shops, two bed and linen stores, a small drag store and the supermarket. By the time we were done we were actually exhausted. "Hopefully they are behaving." Bianca say seriously. 

I shake my head and chuckle. "They'll be fine. Besides what sort of trouble could they possibly get in."

Trixie's POV

Adore and I were being good. We unpacked everything in the main areas and have now moved onto Adore's clothes. I had already finished two boxes and was onto my third. I'm so happy that we're all together now. 

I keep unpacking the shirts, folding them, when I spot a long plastic package. At first glance it looks like hair extensions but then I pick it up. I drop it and squeal out. "Adore!" He looks up and I point to it. He just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. And? Do you want it? I've never opened it." Adore says nonchalantly before closing a drawer that's overflowing with pants. 

I pick the item back up and inspect it closer. The long, soft pink hairs look so pretty. The box has 'Pony tail' stamped tackily across the top where a glass bulb is. I flush red at the thought of using it. Oh my. Imagine Katya using it as a punishment. 

I take the box and slip out to my bedroom. I put it on the bed and return back to Adore.

 Katya's POV 

When we arrive back to the house it's quite except for soft music and thumps. I drop the many bags on my arms and run up the stairs with Bianca hot on my tail. "Kitten!" He yells out in a panic. 

I get to Adore and Bianca's room and burst in. The music's volume increases tenfold and there's a mess of boxes, clothes and pillows. All movement in the room ceases and two sets of eyes land on us with surprise, fear and embarrassment. 

"A pillow fight!" I groan out loudly. The two subs drop the pillows in their hands and dive behind the bed that they had been jumping on. "Don't even think about it Trixie. Bedroom, now." I throw my hand out and point to the doorway. I see him appear and walk past me head down. 

"Have fun disciplining." I mumble to Bianca who is still taking in the mess as I follow Trixie. When I'm in the room he stands at the end of the bed. "You know that Bianca was freaking out about mess and you made more? I'm going to have to punish you princess and you won't get the treat." I say trying to think of a good punishment. 

I spot a box on the bed. "And what's this?" I ask and he finally lifts his head to look me in the eye. He starts to answer with unintelligible mumbles but I cut him off. "Speak up."

"It's a princess pony tail plug Daddy. Adore gave it to me." He says louder but his voice wavers slightly and I get the perfect idea. I stride over to him and hold his cheek gently. 

"Go get a skirt. A short one. And a matching top." I whisper into his ear before picking up the package and opening it before taking it to the bathroom, sterilizing it. 

Ten minutes later Trixie is wearing a white midriff top and a pink skirt, the pink tail poking out from under. "Now repeat what you have to do back and tell me why."

"Yes Daddy. I have to wait until Adore is ready and clean up the room. If he is already cleaning I have to help. Then I have to get you to check. I'm not allowed to take out the plug unless I say the safeword. I'm doing this because I was naughty and made a big mess when I was meant to be cleaning." He repeats. I nod and lead him out off the room, spanking him as I pass him.

Bianca's POV

I was just shocked speechless as I stare at the mess that was created. I had planned a special surprise for my kitten and Trixie if they were good. I wanted them to have this surprise so bad. I turned away from the room walking downstairs needing a moment to calm myself before I punished Adore. I hid the present I had got the boys in a cabinet. I was upset and disappointed. Two feelings that don't cooperate well when punishing.  I didn't even hear Adore's quiet voice as I walked outside to clear my head. 

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