Beach time!

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Trixie's POV 

"BRIAN JOSEPH MCCOOK!" Adore, Katya, and I all stop talking. I look up to Katya and his face drains of all colour. 

"Oh fuck me with a rake. How did I forget she was coming today?!? After all of my getting ready for her." He scrambles to his and runs out. Adore follows suit by going and waking Bianca up who would no doubt be annoyed by not having enough time to wake up properly.

I followed after daddy to see his mom embracing him. "You know I'm just playing son, Trixie!" Pat sees me standing there and rushes over. Her usual silvery grey hair is dull and thin and face is slimmer. 

As if reading my mind she wraps her arms around me. "It's okay. I looked worse a few weeks ago. At least I'm awake now." She says as I hug her back. 

Katya's POV 

As Adore walks in dragging a grumpy and sleepy Bianca I wrap my arms around him. "Ma this is Bianca and Adore." I say and Bianca suddenly pulls himself together. 

"Pat! It's good to see that you're well and it's good to meet you." He says smiling widely. As mom introduced herself I take Trixie's hand and we slip out to the kitchen. 

"Trixie honey, can you get a few things from the fridge for me?" I ask as he plays with his jacket zipper. He nods his head as he moves to the fridge and I grab a box from moving and place it on the table. 

"Okay. Cheese, dip, butter, mayonnaise, any salad stuff for rolls... uh... ham? Do we have ham? Whatever... fruit, chocolate...." I rattle of and Trixie struggles to keep up but somehow manages. He also gets some freezer blocks and puts them in. 

I walk over to the pantry and grab out some more things. Biscuits, crackers, rolls, paper plates and small snacks for the boys. Everything is placed in the box and I duck out to the garage. I put the box into the car and return to mom to start giving her a tour.

Bianca's POV

I can't put my finger on it but I feel like they have plotted something because I see Katya and Trixie slip off. I hear our garage door open and shut and shake my head as we all give Pat the tour of the house. She seems really happy. I may be a bit grouchy but I'm pushing it away. I see Trixie give Adore a wink and I cock my head super confused. I feel Adore grab my hand and I smile.

"Hey boys. Would you take an old woman out to the beach? I'm so tired of being cooped up inside." I see her wink at her son who rolls his eyes but I get a bit excited. I feel Adore squeeze my hand again. "I dunno we have soooo much to do around here ma. We...." I cut Katya off and I notice the others are giggling. "Fuck that shit! I think we all deserve a good time at the beach." I head off to the bedroom closing the door packing a beach bag. 

Adore's POV

"That was almost too easy..." I give Trixie, Katya, and Pat a high five. I smile as Pat hugs me. "I'm happy that he wants to go. Katya told me he's had a bit of a rough go the last couple days. I wasn't lying either. I've been cooped up and I want fresh air." I smile and grin. "I think we all could use it. This is the first time in awhile that we all have had more than a day off to relax." I giggle as we all head off to change into our swimsuits. I slip in our room sneaking up to Bianca hugging him. He looks fucking HOT! "Damn Daddy.... How'd I manage to get the hottest fucking guy ever!"

Bianca smirks and kisses me hot and hard pushing me up against the door. "I can't wait to see you on the beach kitten. Get ready now. I'm going to go wait on the others." He slaps my ass throwing a tank top on grabbing a pair of sunglasses. I hear our door close as I get ready quickly Daddy had me super pumped up. I finish up grabbing my sunglasses and a couple beach towels for us. I decided to grab one of Daddy's merch tanks slipping it on before coming out with everyone. It was decided that Daddy and me ride in one car and Pat, Trixie, and Katya ride in another. I knew what they were going to be doing so I told daddy I would drive this time. He scolded me a little saying he should be the one driving but I wanted to stall long enough so we could set the picnic up for Daddy. I smiled as Daddy relaxed and took a nap. I knew he was super exhausted and he deserved the rest. I pulled over careful not to wake him as I text Katya. 

A:: Daddy's sleeping and I'm taking the scenic route. You about done?

K:: yep. Go ahead and come on up now. 

He sends me a picture of the spread on the picnic blanket noticing they had went and picked up Daddy's favorite cake. I send a picture of Daddy napping the sun making him look even more handsome. 

A:: I am one lucky mofo.

K:: You are. :) He looks so peaceful.

A:: I'll be there soon Sir. I can't wait to surprise him.

I got back onto the road as I headed to our spot that was out of the way of prying eyes. I see Katya and Trixie's car and I pull up beside them and shut off the car. Daddy's eyes flutter open as I smile and hop out of the car. I come around and open his door stopping him from getting out. "Daddy do you trust me?" He cocks his head confused. "Always kitten." I smile and give him a kiss. "I'm going to slide on this blindfold and be your eyes okay." He looks a bit nervous but allows me to slip the blindfold on and lead him to the blanket. I smile as I slip the blindfold off and he tears up seeing all of us. Trixie's holding the cake that had the words thank you written on it. "Thank you for taking care of us. We thought you deserved something special. We know how you love the beach." Katya speaks as Daddy hugs me then the others. 

Bianca's POV

These sneaky fuckers. I chuckle they had even got Pat in on it too. "You got me this time. Thank you." The tears stopped as I wiped them away. The little things always caught me off guard. I got a devious idea as I notice Adore had taken his shirt off. I took min off before I picked him up as I sped to the water. Adore kicking ad squealing the entire time. I chuckled as I dove in with him and we play in the water. I see a streak and hear Trixie squeal as Katya's head pops out of the water. We had a ball in the water as Pat watched us. Soon we all were really hungry and came up to eat at the picnic blanket enjoying the peace and quiet.

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