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Smutty smuttinesss! hehe

Adore's POV

I had been scared into behaving when Trixie had knocked the glass off and it shattered. It made me flashback to a moment with my last dom... He was scary.


"Where the fuck are you boy?!?! You lazy good for nothing piece of shit can't even do your chores properly."

I was hidden in a closet trying to stay quiet as he raged on. He was drunk and I knew if I could ride this out until he fell asleep I could call Bianca to pick me up. He drank himself into a stupor and eventually passed out as I grabbed my bags and everything I owned in that moment. Bianca would never know why he had to come and get me that night. He had saved my life. I thought I was in the clear until I ran back in to get the last of my bags. There he stood an empty bottle of whiskey in his hands. I hear the shattering of the bottle and he swings at me, cutting me and the alcohol burned in the cuts. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my switchblade as I dialed the police. 

He swung the bottle again and I missed it only to slice his leg which caused him to stumble back and hit me in the process. We play this game of cat and mouse until I hear the police cars. I told Bianca to meet me a block away from my house at the tiny little cafe that we frequented. The police came and arrested him. It was a miracle it was kept out of the papers. After speaking with the police, I all but ran to Bianca tossing my bags in his car. He said nothing but held out his arms and I cried. He never asked what happened that day.

:::End flashback:::: 

I shake my head and take a deep breath. Bianca looks at me confused as I run to the bedroom. Bianca isn't him. I take some deep breaths to calm myself as I look up and see the cute little latex maid's outfit I had bought on a whim. I quickly put my collar on and the outfit paring it up with some boots before coming out. I grab a broom and dustpan and come back to the broken glass acting like nothing was different cleaning up the glass. I knew I was giving Bianca a full on show and I liked it. Bianca growls softly as I bounce my bare ass as I clean up the little bit of water on the floor. I head to the garbage can and toss the broken glass away before walking back into the living room. 

Bianca's grabbing the arm of the chair as his nails are digging into it. "Is there anything else I need to be of service with Sir?" I smirk giving him a saucy wink as he launches himself on me pressing me into the wall. "Bedroom, NOW!" He steps away as I make my way to the bedroom knowing that Bianca wanted me so bad right now. I go to the middle of the floor and kneel down bowing my head as I hear the door shut.  I hear a soft chuckle and a drawer slide open. A rattling bag had my interests peaked but I knew better than to move. 

I feel my outfit being unzipped from the back as the cool air hit my heated skin causing me to shiver. "My beautiful kitten...." He almost rips the outfit off of me and I bite my lip. I wanted this so much. I needed my Daddy to get a bit rough with me. It's why I was bratting. I feel his hands on me before I feel his had around my throat as he pulls me up. I moan brokenly as he kisses me rough and passionately. I knew he needed this just as much as I did. He pushed me back onto the bed and I landed bouncing a little. I grin as Daddy walks over and picks something up smiling as he walked back. I notice what it is. It's a whip. I'm excited. Daddy got a new toy!

I feel him drag the whip lightly over my skin and I have goosebumps form because I am so excited. I'm a little bit of a pain slut. I think my Daddy found this out. I blush as he smiles.

Bianca's POV

He came out in a latex maids outfit and I was instantly hard. Then he played so innocent... I didn't want innocent I wanted my filthy kitten. We had made it into the bedroom and he was stripped bar wearing only his collar that marked him as mine. I remember the whip I had bought just for him when I had a peeling her may like a bit of pain with his pleasure. I watch his eyes light up as I drag the whip along his skin. 

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