Beginning The Tour!

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Katya's POV

I step onto the bus and breath in deeply. The familiar smell of leather and disinfectant hits my nostrils making my nose wrinkle up. "Kats. Move your butt." Trixie whines from behind so I move up into the bunk area as I chuckle.

We were finally on tour again. I've missed it so much. The fans, the shows and most importantly sharing a stage with Trixie. The way she holds herself and her guitar. Blonde curls cascading around a perfectly made face. It's so angelic. So beautiful.

I feel hands wrap around me and a chin dig into my shoulder. "Top or bottom?" Trixie asks looking at the bunks on the left. We'd gotten a specific bus that had two doubles rather than four singles.

I turn and hold him by the hips giving him a quick kiss. "Well you are a bottom. And I'm getting old. But then again I'm a top and nowhere near as old as bianker." I snigger when Bianca comes in.

"Fuck off bitch. Meth probably took a good twenty years off of your life!" He growls out making me wheeze with laughter as I feel Trixie's arms tighten around me.

"That's mean." He says softly as his hands start to ball up my singlet. I give his back a rub and peck his cheek.

"Uh oh. Someone's slippiiiiiing." I trill and he rolls his eyes but also then goes to nuzzle into my neck. "Yeah. You're tired. Let's take a nap little one."

Trixie's POV

I stretch out as my eyes flutter open before snuggling back into Katya. He runs a hand over my head as the bus sways side to side lightly. "Good morning princess." He says softly and I cock my head slightly.

"M-morning? Is not morning daddy." I mumble into him and he huffs out a short chuckle. "It sure is princess. You slept for fifteen hours baby!" Katya says before pulling me closer by the butt.

"Daddy!" I squeal out and hear a thump.

Adore's POV

As soon as I hear Trixie is awake I jump from the top bunk landing with a loud thump. "Kitten. Don't jump like that again." Bianca disciplines and I roll my eyes in response.

"Whatever." I pull the curtain to the lower bunk open and see Trixie cuddled right up to Katyas chest. "Trixiiiie. Trix. Dolly. Trixie dollllll" I whine and his head pops up giving me a greasy look.

"Dore. I is gonna kill ou." He grumbles before I slide in putting my full weight on the two.

"But daddy says we can get pancake for breakfast if we gets uppppp..." I whine and Trixie tries sitting up banging his head slightly.

"Owwwiiiie! Daddddyyyy! Is hiteded my head and it hurteded." I see Sir Katya kiss the top of his head and then roll me off of them. I fall on the floor and land hard. "Owwwie! Daddy! Sir Katya was meeean!" I rub my back where I landed and hear Daddy laugh. "kitten you shouldn't have pounced on them." 

I see Trixie slowly get out of the bunk and go grab some headache medicine as Katya come out behind him. "'Dore just cause you wants pancakes no means pounces. I hit my head and it hurt!" I notice that Sir Katya has picked Trixie's clothes out and Trixie goes to change.

"Adore you know that Trixie sometimes isn't a morning person. Did you have to pounce on us?" Sir Katya says and grabs his clothes. I bite my lip and turn away from everyone sad. I was just excited... We're on tour and everyone is doing better... The more that I think about it the more I get upset. "Let's just go get food please."

Bianca's POV

I notice that Adore is a bit sad right now and I walk to him and hold his hand. "Hey kitten. Let's go take a walk while everyone gets ready." I pull him outside the bus as we take a walk and let him cool off a bit. We get to a wooded area and I pull Adore over to sit with me. "Adore... I know things have been a bit chaotic and you've not really had the time to decompress. I'm here love and if you need me."

I feel his hands grab at my shirt as he cries trying to talk. "I....I just wanted to have it like it used to be. It's everything has been so wrong...." He keeps talking and I rub his back encouraging him to let everything out. He goes quiet all of the sudden and I speak up. "Love we all are readjusting and now we are back on tour we may get to a sense of normalcy. Just give it time." 

I hear Katya and Trixie call out for us as Adore wipes his eyes. "Feel better now?" He smiles and shakes his head as I kiss him and the others catch up to us. We decide to walk around to find somewhere to eat. We see a little cafe and we all head in to eat breakfast. Adore is in a better mood and that makes me happy. I also notice that Trixie's doing a little better which is good. I was just as worried for him as he was for me. I give everyone a grin as I dig into my french toast.

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