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Trixie's POV

By the time I ended up getting to sleep its five in the morning. Honestly I was scared to go to sleep in case I screamed again. I usually don't scream. I just wake up in a cold sweat panicking. But I don't have a bad dream. In fact I don't dream at all.

I wake up peacefully, tangled with Katya, before stretching out and wiggling my toes. When I open my eyes the curtains are still shit so I don't get blinded. I see Katya's face lit up by his phone and reach for him with grabby hands. I'm always a little but little when I wake up. Unless I had a nightmare that is. 

"Good morning baby." He says, locking his phone and putting it down. "My princess wants hugs?" He asks and I nod sleepily. Katya wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the fore head. My head lays in his chest and I feel the toned muscles against the hand I have laid in his stomach. 

"What time is it daddy?" I ask looking up at him. 

Katya's POV 

I can't get over how beautiful and innocent Trixie looks when he wakes up. His cheeks are a rosy color and his eyes are still half closed. "Its 12. I was just about to wake you." I say before poking his nose which hi responds in protest to. 

"Nuuuuh stoooop." He swats at my hand and I chuckle. I get out of bed and put a random shirt on before throwing some clothes at Trixie. He sits up and puts the grey sweatpants on but throws the top back at me. "It's too hot in here." He complains making me frown. I walk over to the air conditioner control. 

"Are you getting sick or something because it's pretty cold. Only... why doesn't this stupid thing have Fahrenheit? Its eighteen degrees Celsius. That's like sixty something Fahrenheit." I say reading the control panel. 

Trixie shrugs before pushing himself up off of the bed before stumbling a little. I rush over but he waves me off. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just got up too quick." 

Trixie's POV

I leave the room and go down to the kitchen. I grab a bowl of leftovers from last night and reheat them. I feel a little dizzy but I'll be fine. 

When the microwave goes off I wrap a tea towel around the bowl and walk over to the couch where Bianca is sitting with Adore sleeping in his lap, snoring loudly. "Hey Trixie. Did you sleep okay?" He asks putting a hand on my thigh in a motherly way. 

"Yeah. When I got to sleep." I say before piling food onto my spoon. Bianca smiles and changes the channel on TV when I see something very familiar. The Trixie and Katya show on Viceland. God it still so weird to see myself on TV. 

Suddenly I feel a lump in my throat. I put my food down and run to the bathroom before emptying the contents of my stomach. I feel rubbing on my back and quite shushing. I peek up to see blue green eyes comforting me before I continue gagging and retching.

Bianca's POV

I heard Trixie throwing up and I grabbed my keys walking to the bathroom. "I'm going to go get some soup, crackers, and ginger ale for Trixie because we don't have any." I felt bad for Trixie. I place my hand on his head feeling the heat radiate off of him. I sigh worried. "You may want to give him a cool bath. He's running a fever. I'll make sure I pick up some things to make him comfortable so you can comfort him."

I walk out to meet Adore in the hallway as he gives me a hug. "Daddy, can I come with you? I want to pick up a onesie for him that he would love." I nod and we call an uber to go to the drug store before we head to Walmart. I see Adore run in without a cart but when he came out he had a shopping cart full. I cock my head confused. "I found onesies and soft fluffy blankies... fluffy pillows... so many things. I picked up some more food for us too..." Adore loads the bags into the trunk of the car as we head back home. 

The car pulls up and we get out grabbing the bags heading up to the door letting the other two men know that we have came back home. I take the bags into the kitchen seeing all the ingredients for my grandma's famous chicken noodle soup that I had adapted to vegetarian. It was the one and only thing I could make halfway decently.  I hear Trixie's squeal knowing that Adore had gave Trixie his surprise, as I began to chop up vegetables. I hum softly as I made the soup the house smelling like the amazing soup. I feel so proud as I pour myself some wine knowing that Katya and Adore were working to make the sick Trixie comfortable. 

"Look at you looking like a housewife!"

I roll my eyes and flip Katya off handing him a bottle of ginger ale shoving him back to Trixie. "Take care of your boyfriend and leave me the fuck alone. I'm not fucking this soup up. It was my grandma's recipe that always made me magically feel better. I swear it had some kind of magical quality." I turn around quickly heading back into the kitchen making my own noodles. I remember making this with my grandma. I did miss her she always made me feel comfortable in my own skin. She was so accepting of me and always helped me become the queen I am today. I added the vegetarian chicken broth to the pot and started throwing in all the ingredients enjoying making this soup.

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