Chapter 20

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I watched with Ace as the marines slaughter our family and Luffy raced across the battle field to save us. Ace straightened up catching my attention.

"What is it?" Garp said as Ace sat up straight.

"I'm ready to accept whatever the future gives me." Ace told him "I'll take the outstretched hand that saves me or bow to the blade that punishes me."

I cringes she said that, what are you thinking Ace. I watched Ace silently.

"I'm done fighting." Ace said looking dead ahead.

I watched Luffy as Iva and Jinbei jumped in. "All at once!" He commanded.

uffy sent a Bazooka hit, Iva sent a death wink, and Jinbei used the force he used at Impel Down pushing his hand forward. The attacks combined cleared a path through the marines as they were sent flying through the air. Moria walked up as he blocked the way but was quickly taken in a battle as Jinbei jumped from the group. Luffy kicked one marine after the other.

I watched helplessly as Luffy fought back with Second Gear, but ended up being slammed down by Smoker's weapon to his neck.

I watched as Hancock was able to protect Luffy.

I couldn't believe what I saw as Boa bent down and handed a key to Luffy; her eyes widened as i realized it was to our handcuffs.

Luffy wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug before he let her go and to run as he left Boa there having a heart attack from his hug and she began to fight the marines.

The platform shook under us as we watched the battle rage on. I looked to my father onLy to scream as tears we'll in my eyes. Squard plunge a sword through Whitebeard's chest; my breath hitched and I closed my eyes screaming.

"DADDY!" I felt torn just watching the blood gush from his chest. My scream caught everyone's attention, and making them watch the horror.

I saw Marco punch Squard in the face as he took his sword out of Whitebeard making him crash into the figurehead and crack the wood.

"Why would you do such a thing!" Marco flew up and stood beside Oji.

"S-shut up! You're the ones who forced my hand!" Squard said grunting.

"You idiot! Do you have any idea of what you've just done!" Marco yelled. I growled lashing out trying to get of the platform as I watched as Whitebeard took a knee.

"Oyaji, if you keep pushing your body like this..." Marco said before Whitebeard held up a hand to stop him.

"Drop the charade already Whitebeard!" Squard yelled getting up as Marco just stood there.

"You made a deal with the Navy, didn't you? A deal to ensure that Ace, Mizuki and the Whitebeard Pirates would get out of this alive! Listen up everyone!" Squard yelled, pirates began to listen to him, and his foolish words. "He's lured all of us into a trap! I had no idea that Ace was the son of Gold Roger! I was all alone when you found me, it was because my comrades, who I'd fought beside for so long were all killed by Roger! I'm sure you know my hatred for Roger! You could have told me that Ace is Roger's son! Told me your plans to make Ace the next Pirate King!"

Squard kept going on as my face paled at his words. Whitebeard was apparently using them, how only the his crew and Ace were going to left alive.

Pirates begged for Whitebeard to say something as Squard kept going on and on; the Pacifista's started attacking everyone

"It's true that Ace is Roger's son..." Whitebeard said holding his wound. "So they found the man who'd be the most hurt by that, and turned him against us. Their plan was one step ahead of my own. You foolish son!" Whitebeard yelled as he reached out to Squard and pulled him into a hug. "Though you're a fool, I still love you, my son."

Squard backed away with tears in his eyes.

"I'm painfully aware of how you hate Roger. But it's wrong to resent a child for the sins of his father. What did Ace ever do to you? Together, you and Ace, have been through pain, joy, and difficulty, rising above it with your friends beside you. It doesn't matter who Ace's parents were. We got to meet on this big wide ocean. Not only you two, all of you are my sons. Don't think Ace is a special case." Whitebeard told him. "You are all my family. Mizuki" I look up to Oji, "YES!" I scream out to him.

"Be brave my daughter." I bit my lip and nod. "I-I I WONT LET YOU DOWN,"

Squard began to cry even more as Whitebeard smashed his fists into the air again, making the ice waves crash to the floor. "Those willing to come with me, follow me even if it costs you your life!"

Cheers were heard from the pirates along with apologies, I smiled with my hope re-a-newed.

The marines fired at Whitebeard as two cannonballs came directly towards him, Marco stood by him and helped him.

Whitebeard flung the giants sword away as he grab the air before him and slung it down, making the ground tilt and everybody fall to the ground. Ace couldn't grab anything to steady himself as he fell on his chin as his body tried to slid, I wobbled and fell back down into a marine only to be thrown of and spat on.

"Filth!" He spat, I growled and kicked him of the platform starting my own rebellion.

Ace watched as Whitebeard sent a force crashing along the ice, into the walls of the plaza and started to head for the platform, before it was stopped by the three admirals.

"Ace, Mizuki! Hang on!" Luffy stretched his arms out and grabbed the concrete walls of the HQ before sending them flying through the air. "We're coming! ACE... MIZUKIII!"

I struggled as the marines tried to contain me. "Stay still you wrench!" I jumped over my chains fighting. "Gah stop being annoying brat!" Garp punched me and held me down, "die with honour scum." I spat at the Marin and glared.

I glared at the marines my shackles clinking together. "Scum you say?" The marine slapped me and pushed me down.

"Lu...Luffy!" Ace yelled shocked to see him on this side of the wall.

"Oh my, you finally made it here." Aokiji said looking at them.

"Quite and entrance, son of Dragon." Akainu said glaring.

"These youngsters sure are scary," Kizaru said mockingly.

"Give Ace and Mizuki back!" Luffy yelled as he spun and threw a broken mast at the admirals.

Luffy jumped back as Aokiji froze the mast and sent it back to Luffy as he rapidly kicked the mast apart.

Luffy jumped passed the admirals as he darted for the platform. Aokiji jumped in front of him and kicked him to the ground crashing into a building.

"On my mark!" Sengoku said making Luffy look up quickly. "Do it!" I only just realised as I saw Ace stare at me in horror that I was about to be executed, the guards slashed their swords down towards my head as everything seemed to slow down, I looked at Luffy and gave a sad smile as he looked in horror. I straightened up and closed my eyes and smiled, "DIE YOU PATHETIC SCUM!"

"NOOOO!" A tear slipped from my eye.

"I'm sorry Luffy...Ace."













Luffy wailed on the marines around him desperately trying to get to Ace and Mizuki.

"I SAID STOP!" Everything shook people screams my head fell forward.

Something seemed to trail behind the swords, it swirled behind me. "THAT WAS MY FUCKEN HAIR DIPSHIT NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" A yell beside me made me turn as Garp charged at Luffy with his fists raised high, as his fists crashed down on him.

"I WONT LET ANYONE GET IN THE WAY NOT EVEN YOU!" I saw tears in gramps eyes as he dropped his guard and was punched by Luffy.


One piece- You can only fly so high.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora