Chapter 16

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An// I would like to thank everyone for voting for my story I might make a sequel once I get up to Ace's. Please vote and comment on what you think should happen and if I should make a sequel.

I sighed as Ace starts to tug me off the lizard . We had reached a room completely white and full of French doors that led to a veranda. I stood at the marvellous doors and froze when I heard voices; peeking through the key hole Ace walked over and looked through also.

"Kamyu-aniki, if the rebel army really does turn against the King, are we really gonna join them?" A man with a robe, boxing gloves, snowball hat and stretch goggles asked another man with spiky ashy blond hair with a bandana wrapped through it as he wore shoulder pads, gloves and ragged clothes.

"Like hell," Kamyu said pouring some sauce. "We're not leaving this village 'til we take them for all their worth." He gulps down a fish as the other man smirks approvingly. I growl lowly, 'so these men are fakers, they have no right tricking these poor villagers.'

"Aniki! Trouble! We've got trouble, aniki!" Another voice yells as footsteps rush down the veranda. A man wearing an umpire suit runs into the room as Kamyu stares at him irritated.

"What is it? Keep it down will ya?" Kamyu yells at him. "We're eating here!"

"The sand Pirates!" The umpire says ignoring his brother. "The sand pirates are heading this way!"

Kamyu and boxer look at him worriedly. "Are you sure? What should we do?"

"What're you talking about? There's no way we can take them on!" Umpire said panicking. "We can't exactly turn tail in front of the villagers either." He said as another in a traditional Japanese outfit walked up. 'So they are also cowards as well?' I thought solemnly. "Hey aniki, what should we do?"

They gasped as they watched Kamyu pack a bag for himself and attach it to his gun. "Alright, we'll turn tail and get the hell out of here."

I glared through the door and as my hair stood on end zapping at the metal in front of me. ' how dare they these men talk about ditching the villagers. Ace looked down at me and shook his head telling me silently not to do anything.

"But what're we gonna do after we run away?" Umpire asks. "Are we going back to that life of starvation again?"

"You pinhead!" Kamyu yelled at him. "It's more important to keep our lives! There are plenty of other towns like this to be found! Let's get a move on." Kamyu told them as he walked past them and into the hallway.

I held back a bitter laugh as Kamyu's face turned to horror coming face to face with Ace's and my pet lizard; his brothers turn and get the same faces as they stare at the man sized lizard.

"What the hell are you?" Kamyu asked the lizard. 'Ya like the lizard is going to answer back.'

"You guys sure got guts calling yourselves the rebel army with that cowardly attitude." Ace said stuffing his face with the food still on the table. "For four big guys, you're trying to do something awfully small."

I sat down next Ace and started to stuff my face with food. 'So good!' I point my finger at the men. "who the hell do you think you are... assholes think you can just ditch this place!"
"Who the hell are you? Mind your own business!" Umpire said readying for a fight with the others. I role my eyes and glare, 'idiots these days don't know manners.' "When did you get in here?"

"Food thief!" Boxer yells at him.

"He's right though, ditching a town just to go some where else for self gain, what happens when they find out? You're just a bunch of cowards stealing food. We," points to Ace and myself, "aren't cowards so we can steal your food because you are cowards so you have no say in this." Everyone in the room sweatdropped at my logic.

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