Chapter six

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @ALS 14560 so thx for reading.

I watched Ace as he practiced with Dan trying to grasp his powers. sweat needed down their faces as they fought and practiced under the scorching sun.
Dan fell to the ground burned and scorched in variant areas. he laughed at Ace at his failed attempts at using the flame flame fruit. I stared at them from afar sitting on top of the cargo for a ship that docked less then an hour ago.
Looking to the ship it had the black flag of a jolly Rodger and had the picture of a cross skull and a mass of gold hair painted on top. It looked ridicules with fancy pirates prancing around bowing and acting like nobles. I spat on the ground at the word trying to get rid of the vile taste it held.

"Hey get of our cargo!" A man dressed in a tux with a tie and hat stared at me. I glared down at him. "And who do you think you are?" I asked. the man was already getting on my nerves.
He swung a punch at me seeming if I had offended him.
"I am William Jones..." he Brock the box of crates containing a mass amount of food. " I am part of the Noble pirates, best be afraid." He roared charging at me. I tried to see what Ace and Dan were doing but I couldn't see them. He drew a sword swinging at me. "Lightning blade!" a blade of light appeared in my hands, I gracefully parred and blokes his attacks sending bolts of electricity running through his veins every time the swords clashed together.

I was starting to think the pirate like me as he screamed at me for zapping him. I bow politly, he smirks as I do so thinking I've given up.
"I'm sorry for being better then you, most people were just born with skill and others such as yourself aren't as gifted." Steam poured out his ears as he swung at me blinded by rage. I didn't notice the surrounding pirates till I was grabbed from behind.
"Hi big guy!" I smiled cheerfully at the muscly man who had his arms wrapped around me.
"I can't hug you back if I'm facing this way." I stared up to the man. He was bold and had brown eyes with nice tan skin.
"Hehhehhahahah achaa!" I choked on spit imagining baby birds popping out of his head. My face turned serious. I looked around as I was ordered back to the ship tied to the main mask.

"ACE DAN MY BACK'S ITCHY I NEED YOU TO SCRATCH IT I CANT REACH IT!!!" I screamed as I tried furiously to reach my back but with out hope as I was tied up.
Most of the men covered there ears as I screamed louder for someone to scratch my back.

Ace pov
"What's that saying? You scratch my back I'll scratch yours?" He shrugged as we walked towards a ship Mizuki was screaming from.
Climbing aboard we saw Mizuki tied to the mask despritly trying to bite her back. "Nearly there." her voice was strained as she craned her neck.
'What have you got yourself into.'
Looking to Dan we charged on to the deck.

Mizuki pov
I blew a strand of multi couloirs hair out of my face as Dan untied me I scratched at my back furiously as I dodged the pirates aiming for me. I got bored and went up to the crow nest and started to set the sails on fire. Jumping back down I spread my arms as if to fly, landing on a bunch of pirates I thanked them for saving me.
"I worry for your sanity." I shrugged at Ace as we left the ship. Dan nodded, I blinked as flashes of light filled my vision. I looked to see a Marin with a camera running away. Turning back to Ace and Dan I asked, "Can you scratch my back?"

"MIZUKI!" I giggled and ran as they chased me all around town.
I can't wait for tomorrow life on the seas is an adventure!

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