Chapter 17

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I jumped not to the roof next to Ace, as he stopped and stuck his arm out and he point towards a building and then his ear.i nodded and held up three fingers signalling how many men were attacking.

We listened and heard men yelling in pain and thumps as if bodies were falling to the ground. A trembling laugh was heard seconds later making me freeze and shiver in fear; I recognise that laugh an how it haunted me.

Blackbeard was here.

Blackbeard was on the other side of that building. We climbed on top of the buildings I get a better look. Ace sat crouched on the edge of the roof as he propped his elbows on his knees, I stand next to him with my hand on my hip and the other ready to throw a lightning attack.

I looked around the town finally understanding why the town was desolate, Blackbeard and his crew destroyed the town and its building, and most likely scaring the people off after robbing them and seeing that face, I can't blame them for running it scars you good.

"Oi look!" Blackbeard said handing the paper to his crewmate. "It's an article about Strawhat! It seems he took down the Judiciary Island! With this his bounty will definitely rise!"

A man holding a gun with a sight seeker over his eye opened the newspaper and looked at the article.

"Enies Lobby is famous for having the sea train running all the way from Water Seven." A man with long black hair, earrings, a black top hat, and looks like a mime said smiling.

"It's not far from here," The man holding the gun said. "We might get the chance to meet him again."

I glare down at them as my hair stood on end. I didn't like this at all, 'Luffy met Blackbeard.'

"To be within our firing range..." A sickly man said hanging over a horse that didn't look any better as its tongue hung out of its mouth as its hair covered its face. "How pitiful, how unlucky they are." The man coughed loudly as he gave up talking and lay down.

A huge man with a wrestlers mask on yelled and laughed as he held a huge bag up in the air with his hands. "Let's go, Captain!"

"Of course we're going!" Blackbeard said smiling as he held up his hands in victory and laughed. He kicked the man he had propped his foot on and began to walk with his crew away from the robbery they just finished. "Well then prepare to leave! Don't get delayed!"

"Oi!" Ace said trying to catch their attention. He tried again as they continued to walk on without hearing him. "Wait a minute, Teach. I've been looking for you."

Teach stopped as he turned to his right and looked up on the building, staring at Ace and me sitting there.

Blackbeard looked up past the light from the sun that was making Ace and I hard to see. "Oh! Ace. Mizuki." Blackbeard said smiling. "Commander, vice commander!"

"Knock it off! Commander is a word only those respectful of that person are allowed to say." Ace said becoming angry. "Stop mocking."

The mime walked forward a step with a cane he held behind him. "So you're the famous Fire Fist Ace." He turned his attention to me and smiled. "And I'm guessing this girl with the looks of a goddess is Lightning goddess Mizuki."

"Yeah, that's right." Ace said agreeing. "Nice to meet you." I gave a mocking bow flicking my hair out I my face, but keeping my eyes on Blackbeard. "It seems now you've become quite a Caption, right?" I asked Blackbeard sarcastically.

"Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D. Teach." Ace stated.

"That's cute, you stole the whole Whitebeard thing...." I pointed out with a chuckle.

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