Chapter 19

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I looked up at Marineford in fear as they took Ace off the ship first and into a holding cell before anyone saw him. They came back and did the same to me. After a couple hours two guards came to our cells and stood at attention.

"It's time," They told the two navy officers as the cell opened and Ace sat there chained to the floor as he awaited them to get him. I watched they quickly began to undo all of the chains holding him to the chair and floor until they all dropped away. "Stand up." I waited as they put new chains on Ace and did the same to me.

I lifted my head as I was pulled along Ace looked like he didn't have a care in the world, but deep down I knew he was scared.

I walked down the hall way, following Ace as we were led out by navy soldiers. I softly hummed as I didn't like the deathly silence.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'd never let you go...." I sang softly as the only sound that could be heard were the footsteps and my singing. Guards opened up a large doorway as Ace looked up at a stairway, I gulped. "I hate stairs..." I grumbled as I was pulled along up the stairs. "183, 184,185...." I counted the steps on at a time. I whispered to the navy officer beside me. "What comes after 486?"

There seemed to have no end to it as it reached up into the sky. "wow I'm starting to get a fear of heights can I go back down the 672 steps I went up?"
I was just tugged at making me grit my teeth as I saw Ace hang his head.

They commanded him to climb as he did as they said starting his long walk up the stairs; they seemed to enjoy just shoving me up instead of telling me to walk faster. I watched as the higher we climbed the more I could see the ocean making my eyes brighten. Ace's face carried shadows over his eyes in fear of what was to come.

I sigh softly and continue walking up the stairs. "damn why did they have to make it so high?" The officers ignored me as I huffed in annoyance.

We had finally reached the end of the stairway as two wide doors opened up before them letting in a bright light; they nudged Ace on as he walked with them out into the light, towards his death. Just thinking of it made me shiver. I followed close behind shuddering as I heard people cheering and talking; they have no sympathy.

We walked down the steps leading to the platform and then up the steps that marked our last steps. Silence greeted him as he knelt down and the guards chained him up to the platform; I was held back before being placed on his left. I looked at the crowd as Ace looked out to sea as two swords were crossed in front of him. I looked up at the sky as I felt two blades placed against my neck.

Sengoku walked up onto the platform and stopped next to Ace as he held a den den mushi to his lips. 'Why doesn't anyone stand next to me I mean I feel so lonely."

"I have an announcement for you all." Sengoku said as everyone went quiet and looked at their Fleet Admiral. "Portgas D. Ace, the death of this man today, holds great significance. Ace! Tell me your father's name!"

Ace looked up surprised as he turned his head to Sengoku with a glare. "My father is Whitebeard." Ace told him looking back down.

"Not true!" Sengoku said looking at him.

"Then you tell is." I spat at Sengoku.
"It is! My father is Whitebeard! I have no other father!" Ace yelled at him growing angry.

"Years ago, we put all our resources into searching for a man." Sengoku explained. "We suspected he might have a child on a certain island. We relied entirely on this possibility and Cipher Pol's vague information. Children who had just been born, and children who were about to be born. We thoroughly investigated all the mother's but we couldn't find him. But I suppose that was to be expected. Your mother risked her life to deliver you safely. She performed a special trick, which she pulled off through sheer willpower. She deceived our, the eyes of the world! In south blue, there is an island called Baterilla. You're mother's name is Portgas D. Rouge."

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