Chapter eight

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"WATCH OUT!" I ducked as something wised past my head. I was carrying some bounties to Ace's room. I tapped lightly on the door.
"Come in."I looked to Ace who was settled in a chair awaiting me.
"We have some bounties captin'." I placed the bounties atop of his desk. He looked through them skimming over them and shouting in glee when he found his. Showing it to me he pinned it to his wall.
"Where are we going Ace?" I asked.
"To find and defeat the strongest man alive."
"Dan? Cause he is just on deck if you need to kill him?" Ace stared at me like I was stupid. He sighed,"No not Dan."
I scratched my cheek thinking hard, clicking my fingers."Gold.D.Rodger!"
"No he is already dead." I walked back and forward my head down thinking.
"GOD DAMMIT WOMAN, IT'S WHITEBEARD!" Ace slammed his hands on the desk in anger.
"Anger issues." I sang," wait you mean this man..." Ace leaned forward. "HAS A WHITEBEARD!" Ace anime fell.
"His beard must be ....aaawwsssoome!" I giggled imagining different types of beards.

I stroke my chin as I walked out of the room. 'WHITEBEARD hu.' I walked over to Dan. "Ace wants to kill you."
Dan froze turning to me with wide eyes. "www...wwhy?" he stuttered
"Cause you don't have a whitebeard." I walked away laughing at him.
"Mizuki I would appreciate if you stopped tormenting my crew." I looked to Ace to see him walking up to top deck or the 'poop deck'. I laughed imagining everyone pooping on deck. 'eeewww nooo!" I shack my head.

I turn to the navigator." How long till we get to land?"
"Two more hours." I nod dropping to the ground. I groaned about how it takes to long.
"AAAAce... entertain me." I point to
Ace. Ace sighs and shakes his head, walking away.

I ran of the boat and danced as I stood on dry land. I rolled my sleeves up only to see a tattoo.

I ran to Sabo calling him and yelling at him.
"Sabo please make a pack with me." I wined," you made one with Ace and Luffy." Sabo puffs out his chest.
"That was a pack to brotherhood." I shadow my eyes with my fringe. Tears streamed down my face.
"Bbb but I want to make a pack to." I rub my eyes not wanting to feel left out.
Sabo sighed." okay fine." I grinned grabbing some tattoo ink and brush.

"What's our pack for?" Sabo asked. I shrug, "To dreams I guess."
Sabo tilted his head to the side.
"To promise each other that we will achieve our goals and dreams."
" Okay so we Tattoo our dream on our arm.?"
"Ya like this." I Drew a picture representing my dream.
"What does the phenix represent?"
I look to Sabo. " Freedom, my dream is to be free of doubt, worries, saddens... And to be strong and brave" I look to the distance I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Sabo gets all jittery.
"Do me do me! I want our the first letter of our names!" I stare at him.
"What is your dream Sabo?"
"To be able to protect my family and friends!" he gives my a wide grin as I put the letters on his arm.

I grin at Sabo, "TO OUR DREAMS!"


I look at the phenix on my arm. After Sabo died I put his tattoo under mine.
Sabo I'll make our dreams come true.
I skip over to Ace as he goes to a bar to eat. 'Sabo are you proud of me?'

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