Chapter 23

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It's been two years since that day. I would look out to sea and watch it grow restless just waiting for him.

"The waves and winds all know his name..." I could just hear them call out his name. "Luffy..." the words rolled of my tongue. I grin sheepishly as I rub my swollen tummy. "Ok I'm craving sushi!"

I was walking through Sabaody, we agreed to meet here in two years. Me, Ace and Luffy, I couldn't wait to see my brothers crew before he left again.

During our separate years apart, well only Luffy was separate if you get what I mean *wink wink*.

The Sabaody Archipelago. The final checkpoint in the first half of the Grand Line before the New World. I couldn't help but laugh as I skipped through the streets popping the bubbles.

"...I'm the first, huh? Heh-heh...some things never change."turn around and grin, there stood Nami her orange hair was longer and she was wearing a binki and jeans.

"Nami!" she looked to me shocked, "MIZUKI!"


Ten days later, the island is alive with chatter.

"Have you heard the latest?"

"Yeah! The greenhorns who managed to survive the first half of the Grand Line are all gathering on this island!"

"I got really excited when Kidd, Drake, Law, and all the others came two years ago, and now that generation is wreaking all sorts of havoc on the New World, now. This bunch isn't of their caliber, but there are a few of them with bounties of over 100,000,000 Berries on their heads, here."

"Yeah, but this one here surprises me the most! Get a look at this!"

A pirate handed a flyer to his friend. It read, "CREW WANTED by Monkey D. Luffy."

"Monkey D. Luffy? Didn't that kid and his crew die, two years ago?"

"That's what the world wanted us to think. The Straw Hat Pirates suddenly showed up here, this morning!"

"By the looks of this flyer, he's recruiting. He must want to expand his crew so he can plunder the New World! Oh, now I'm getting excited! I think I might join this kid!"

I sat with Nami in a tavern somewhere in the lawless part of the Sabaody Archipelago, sitting at the counter, having a conversation with the barkeep.

"Have you heard the latest?" the barkeep asked. "Marine Headquarters has moved."

"Oh, has it?" I asked. "I thought it was around here, at Marineford." Nami seemed highly interested

"Not anymore," said the barkeep. "They traded locations with a branch called G-1 that was on the other side of the Red Line. The new Fleet Admiral who took Sengoku's place made the decision. They placed their new HQ in the waters where the Four Emperors reign! And since they left, two years ago, the Sabaody Archipelago has become even more lawless than before!"

"Oh," said the woman. "So that's what happened to this place, huh?"

We went to pick up our glasses clinking them together, " I can't believe you and Ace are together now! I mean he wouldn't know love if it smacked him in the face!" I giggled at Nami and was about to take a drink, but then...

"What?! Are you freaking serious?! A bounty 55,000,000 Berries?!"

BANG! I jumped spilling my drink. "Nami!" she shrugged me of.

"AAAAAAAAAAUGH! OH, GOD!" I turned around.

THUD! A man fell to the floor, clutching his leg in pain. Sitting in front of him are a group of people.

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