Chapter Thirty-One: Defined

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Cyrus was spinning. Faye's blood was the most intoxicating substance he had ever tasted. The first swallow went down his throat, and immediately he could taste the power in it. Regular human blood starts to die the second it leaves the life that pumped it, not Faye's though... It was like her blood had its own life force, he could feel it surging through him, strengthening him, warming him even before he let go of her.

He told her that he would rather cut off his own head than bite her, but the first chance she gave him, he sank his teeth in and drank. He was at least thankful that her blood was so strong he only needed a couple pulls to quiet his thirst, it felt somehow better that he didn't have to take a pint from her.

There was a part of him that protested relinquishing his hold, but he wasn't gonna take more than he needed, that would only add to his feeling like a monster.

When he was able to step back from her, he left her on the granite countertop, looking to her face, finding that she was pleased with herself. She was practically smiling. He needed to be angry, he needed her to understand that what happened wasn't alright with him, but he couldn't talk to her right then. He needed space and he took off out the back door.

It was still raining as Cyrus ran down to the lake and into the trees. He went only as far as he was sure he would hear her, then he sat down on the wet ground under a tree. He wasn't one to run away from anything, but he needed to clear his head.

He felt so phenomenal from Faye's blood that he was finding it impossible to maintain the anger he should've been feeling. He couldn't believe how incredibly reckless she, but then again, he should not have been surprised. Faye was strong and passionate; a dangerous combination. He needed to go back and talk to her, but he couldn't until his body adjusted to the magic it took.

He was trying to force anger, but his instincts were demanding that her skin be on his. He thought he was torn earlier when she was in that tub... That was nothing compared to the amount of strength it was requiring of him not to go back and just take her wherever she happened to be standing.

"God..." he growled, throwing his head back, letting the cold droplets falling from the sky soak him in an effort to regain his composure.

Faye slid off the counter and almost stepped right on the knife that Cyrus had evidently dropped. She bent to pick it up and noticed that her hands were shaking. She put the black handled blade into the sink then went to the bathroom to look at her neck. There were three marks, two small round ones from Cyrus, and one small slit. The only one that was still bleeding slightly was the one she made. Cyrus' marks seemed almost sealed somehow.

She leaned closer to the mirror checking them out before dampening a rag to wash the skin. When she was through not only were her hands still shaking, but she started to feel incredibly uneasy. She wanted Cyrus to come back to her. Every minute that went by had her second guessing what she had been so sure of, not giving him her blood, just how she went about it.

Maybe she should've let him come to her on his own... but he wouldn't have. He was way too worried about hurting her, which it surprisingly didn't. When he drank from her she found it felt like a deep kiss, a sensual stroking that would result in a hickey. There was a tiny sting as his fangs broke her skin, but it faded quick, and as he drew from her, it was beyond pleasurable. She hoped he knew that... that she enjoyed it, but, what if he didn't, she found her self questioning. What if that's why he left?

Faye was starting to drive herself crazy analyzing and decided she was gonna go look for him. She went up to the bedroom to get socks and shoes and a coat. It was waterproof and the best option short of an umbrella.

Cyrus sat for ten long minutes breathing in and out, as controlled as he could, but nothing was getting better. In fact, it was becoming increasingly apparent that he was going to crack and run straight back to her. Another minute passed, and that's exactly what happened. He rose from the ground and was at the back door pulling it open with so much force he practically ripped it from its track.

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