Chapter Ten: Good Intentions

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Cyrus walked into his room and immediately realized he had not changed his bedding. When he cleaned earlier it was purely for the removal of blood. Faye was no longer bleeding when he laid her in the bed, and her scent was all over it. He laid down wondering if he subconsciously neglected the blankets on purpose. He breathed deep allowing her scent to overpower him. She smelled so sweet and natural.

Underneath any fragrance worn, people all smell slightly different, but it's always meat like with a mild salty undertone. Humans can't smell it, but it's mouthwatering to a Vampire. The bouquet of Faye's blood, while still faintly salty, smelled almost floral. It was so unique; he had to know everything about her. It made him wonder if Roxy even knew how unique Faye was, and then had him praying she did not.

Coming across something different after two-hundred years of the same, especially in as beautiful a package as Faye made him want to keep her close. He just wanted to be around her. And, then there was the way it felt to look into her eyes... remembering it had him scrubbing a hand down his face in disbelief. It was like he could see his eternity mapped in them.

He felt the sudden urge to call her and palmed his phone before he managed to suppress the instinct. He didn't want to push to hard. He decided a message wishing her good night would be appropriate, but after it was sent he realized she might find it corny. Then he laughed saying aloud, "She's turned me into a teenage boy."

After sleeping for a few hours Cyrus woke ready to take action regarding Roxanne. He gathered everything that belonged to her which consisted mainly of clothes, shoes, and beauty products, then put them in his truck. He called her, and when she once again did not answer he left the message he wanted to deliver in person.

"Roxanne, I wanted to tell you this face to face, but you've left me no choice. I'm done. I have nothing further to teach you. I'm done cleaning up your messes. I have collected your things and will leave them in your apartment. I don't want to see you again... She was the last I'll ever dispose of for you."

He hung up feeling clever about the last part. Not that he expected Roxy to actually come looking for Faye, but she never did what he expected. He had to take precautions. It felt better knowing Roxy would think Faye was dead. It's safer for her, he thought as he left to drop off Roxy's stuff.

Meanwhile, Faye was woken by her apartment phone ringing. She only had the line because it made her internet connection cheaper, but she didn't pay for any extras like caller Id. Only two people had the number; her mother, and her best friend, Mel. If it was her mom she was going to be disappointed. She really did not feel like talking to her, but they hadn't spoken in a while so she figured they were due.

She answered it prepared to talk to her mom, however hoping it was Mel.

"Hello," she said groggily.

"Hey, I'm pulling onto Old Mill now. You about ready because you sound like you just woke up," Mel said.

Faye bolted up, it was Saturday. She forgot they were supposed to go Halloween costume shopping. Mel was having a party on Halloween which was only two weeks away. She completely spaced on it because of Cyrus.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be ready," hopefully, she thought.

"You got five minutes," Mel threatened playfully teasing her.

"I'll watch for you," Faye said hanging up already heading for her closet.

She pulled on her favorite jeans. They had a hole fringed out above one knee from a run-in with a stray nail on her old apartment's back deck, but they fit perfect so she kept them. She paired them with a basic white tank and a navy blue v-neck sweater that allowed a trace of the tank to show at the point on her chest. She slid on a pair of camel colored suede mules and tied her hair up in a golden pile on top of her head, loving how she could get away with doing virtually nothing to it and it would still turn out cute.

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