Chapter Thirteen: A Promise

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When Cyrus got out of the car to walk Faye to her door he knew they had a problem. Intermingled with Faye's scent was that of a vampire he knew. Roxy had been there, on Faye's porch, and she hadn't come alone. The thought of what could've happened to her flipped a switch in his brain. He said goodnight to her as quickly as possible. After he heard her door lock he did a lap around the property. Roxy and her companion were gone, although he knew they'd return. He drove his car home then returned to Faye's on foot.

He picked a spot in the trees along the property line where he could keep watch without being seen. The only reason Roxy would've been at Faye's, and with someone else no less, was for more. She either knew Faye wasn't dead or she was looking for family members. Either way, Roxanne would eventually find Faye if he didn't intervene.  The thought made his head throb.

As Cyrus stood there he came up with two options; kill Roxanne, or disappear with Faye. And damn if the idea of leaving town with Faye, having her all to himself, didn't feel right. Just the thought of it made his chest warm, and he decided then, that's what he was gonna do.

He was going to get Faye to leave with him, and if he had to kill Roxanne to ensure her safety then he would, but he was going to take Faye away either way. 

 It had only been two days, yet Cyrus knew he would do anything to have Faye. Anything.

He couldn't figure out what made her different, but she certainly was. She was a mystery, a beautiful mystery that he wanted more than anything to protect so he stayed there in the woods watching over her place.

Faye woke to the sound of her alarm clock at six am. She had to be at work by eight, but she also needed to exercise. She decided getting up at the crack of dawn for her run would be better than missing it altogether because there was no way she was going when she got off and it was dark. Lesson learned, she thought getting out of bed. 

 She put on a pair of grey yoga pants, Cyrus' sweatshirt, and then her sneakers. She stretched and put her headphones on then headed out the front door. It was cold, colder than she anticipated. Her breath was instantly visible and she thought about turning around; the bed had been so warm... but she really needed to run. Her body needed it, and more importantly her mind needed it.

Faye was a runner; she would do three miles five days a week. She started slow and steady and before long she was able to zone out and pick up the pace to match that of the pop music blasting through her headphones. There was nothing but her and the outdoors. No drama, no worries, just peace and quiet. It was beautiful. The sky was all hues of purple and pink and the leaves in the trees were shades of gold and red. The air no longer felt cold just crisp and clean as she inhaled deeply before trying to push herself.

As soon as Faye walked outside and took off running down the driveway towards the road Cyrus about lost it. This is no good, he thought. She shouldn't be out jogging right now. He had to stop her... but he couldn't. He would look like he was some stalker hiding in her trees. There would be no way to explain the sittuation to her. He was going to have to follow her. He had no choice and started trailing the beautiful aroma left in her wake.

When she returned to her place he gave her a few minutes before calling her.  "Cyrus..." she said, answering on the third ring.

"Good morning Faye," he replied smoothly.

"Is everything alright," she asked sounding winded from her run.

No. "Yes," he answered, "Why do you ask?"

"You sound... odd."

He exhaled, "It's been a long night.  You are working this morning, right?"

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