Chapter 28

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Sunstreaker drove as fast as he could. He knows the whole plan. He knew where Nichole really is, and he is going to get her. He must save her. Before any of the others returned and figured out what was really happening. He could feel his twin trying to contact him, trying to get him to come, but it would be no use. He had more important things to deal with at this moment. Skidding around corners, honking his horn to get people out of the way, he had no idea if he would make it in time. His spark's beat was miles per minute, almost ready to explode. If anything happened to Nichole it would be his fault, course everything was already his fault. "Nichole please be okay." He kept saying in his helm, over and over.


Megatron flew through the air with grace and poise. Something that was unfamiliar to her as she sat in the cockpit. Flying was never her thing. She only flew once and that was on her way back from Afghan, leaving Diesel behind. "Will you get your dirty nasty claws out of my interior!" He growled throughout the cockpit. "Maybe you shouldn't have made me fly with you." She snarled back at him, digging her nails in even further. He cried out in pain. This made her raise an eyebrow and a smirk crawled onto her face. She proceeded to do it again. "Fleshie! If you do that again, I will flip over and let you fall out of my cockpit." His voice echoing around her. "Then do it!" She taunted as she dragged her nails down the armrest of the seat she was slammed into. He needed her, and she knew it, so all he could do was grumble and keep flying. This satisfied her enough to get her to stop doing it.

Nichole had no idea how long they had been flying for. All she knew was she couldn't wait until she was touching the ground again. It wasn't much longer until Megatron transformed mid flight and landed on the ground, Nichole in his servo. "Humph!" She groaned after the rough landing. He scoffed at her complaining and began to walk forward. She looked around, taking in the surroundings, trying to keep herself from falling as he took some ungraceful steps. Brick buildings surrounded them, honking form cars and screaming females rang all around. Her mind wondered around where he was taking her. It looked like her old base. A place she hasn't been to in a year or two. Her last few years in the Marines were spent overseas. Why would he bring her here, it's not like she was anything special to anyone or anything on base anymore. Though, she didn't think she was. She always thought of herself as a someone no one wanted to be around. She intimidated people, scaring them into submission. Marines in her unit never wanted her around, especially after her first deployment with her unit.

The building's blurred around her as they moved, she's unable to tell where they are on the base. Megatron stood just as tall as most of them. It wasn't much longer until Megatron stopped in front of a large, tall and wide building. It took her a few moments to figure out the building they were standing in front of. "Why are we at my old shop?" She asked looking down at the sign on the building. "Your going to fetch me Diesel's old tool bag." He explained. She looked at him like he was stupid. "You know his bag was probably left in Afghanistan right?" She sneered. None to gently he plopped her on the ground. "I already know its here. I need that bag." He grumbled.

One last glare and she headed into the mechanic bay of her old unit. Just as she was to hit the tool room she was stopped by an old mate. "Sgt. James." The man stammered. "Cpl George, I need the tool bag for truck 659726." She ordered. Her eyes dead and impatient. "That's one of the trucks we lost overseas. We wouldn't have that gear." "Don't bother lying. I know its here." She interrupted. The young Corporal stood for a moment, unsure of what to say, then gave a sigh, turning and leading her to the tool room. No words were said between the two. They could hear the Marines outside beginning to yell orders as they noticed Megatron standing just outside. George didn't' need to question what he was here for. It took him a few moments, but in the back of a quadcon, he dug out an old torn up bag and handed it to her.

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