Chapter 11

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Sunstreaker stood there for a few moments. Thinking over what he was just told. She feels something for him. He wanted to laugh at that statement. How was he supposed to believe that the ignorant fleshie, whose been trying to avoid him like he does her, has feelings for him and doesn't even understand why. Well he didn't understand why either. Just looking at her made his spark hum a little faster. Just hearing her talk made a shiver run down his spinal struts. What was this woman doing to him? He had more important things to worry about. He should not be worrying about or thinking about a inhuman unemotional ex-soldier. She needed to stay nothing to him. No matter how hard he tried, he knew that statement would never be true. He was falling for her, he just wouldn't let himself believe it.

Nichole finally pulled herself away from the door and turned around to try and go back to sleep. As she turned she noticed the gold bot walking out of the hanger down towards his room. Her heartstrings seemed to tug a little as she watched him walk away. She pressed her hand to her chest, over her heart. Her eyes squinted in confusion as she looked down at her chest. She decided it was probably best to ignore the feeling. It was probably nothing.

"Let's go back to bed, Diesel." She said walking to the other side of the hanger where they usually slept.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked following her.

"I think so. I'll be fuckin fine." He didn't believe her, but he didn't question her either. He transformed and she hopped in.

"NICHOLE!" She jumped at the sound of her name being yelled across the bay.

"What the fuck?" She said after banging her head on Diesel's ceiling.

"NICHOLE!" Her name was yelled again. She looked out the window to see the lime green doctor.

"What does he want?" She growled.

"I don't know but you should probably go find out." Diesel answered. She gave a low groan getting out of the cab. She trudged over the doc bot.

"What you want, Ratchet?" She asked stopping in front of him.

"We need to talk." He turned and started walking over to the med bay. She turned, looking at Diesel, giving him a questionable look. He transformed and followed, giving her a just as curious look.

Nichole sat up on the human berth, while Ratchet, who what in his holoform ran some more test. He had yet to tell her anything.

"What is this about, Ratchet?" She said with an annoying tone in her voice. All he did was put a finger up to silence her. She crossed her arms and gave a low growl. She had been sitting there for over a half an hour now and she was getting restless. Diesel stood off to the side, watching the whole ordeal.

"Are you feeling any pain in your zygomas?" Ratchet asked, not even looking over at her. When she didn't say anything, cause she had no idea what he was talking about, he spoke again,

"Your cheekbones." He drawled out looking at her.

"Oh, no." She said with a straight face.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"I have a very high pain tolerance. I don't usually notice an injury unless Diesel notices it first. Why what's wrong with my cheekbones?" She put her hand up to her face, caressing where her scar lay.

"I had to some research and I found out you have a fracture in your cheekbone. I'm just surprised your not in any pain and have no swelling or bruising." His voice started out strong then went to a mumble. Making it hard for her to hear. Diesel even leaned in.

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