Chapter 25

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That night, Nichole couldn't sleep at all. She stayed awake, tossing and turning. She chose to sleep in her bed. She couldn't sleep with Sunstreaker. She needed some time to adjust to Diesel being gone again. She just wanted to be alone. She thought about everything her and Diesel had been through. From the time she met him to their last battle in Afghan. They were a perfect pair. They knew each other inside and out. They were unstoppable. If only she could go with him. Its going to be hell until he gets back. Then her mind switched to Sunstreaker. She realized she would have him for company and Sideswipe. This could be a good time to figure out what their relationship is. For her to figure out if she loved him or not. What was she thinking? She sure felt something for him, she just didn't know what. So that's why at two in the morning, she got up and ran to the twin's room.

Sunstreaker awoke to pounding on his and Sideswipes door. "Go away!" He growled, turning over on his front. "Sunstreaker open this door right now!" He heard her muffled voice on the other side. He shot up right away to open it. She stumbled in as the door opened while she was leaning on it. "I thought you wanted to be alone." He proclaimed what she said earlier. "I know, and I did, but then I really started thinking and I couldn't sleep. And I just want to be with you and Sideswipe. Well mostly you." She said with a guilty grin. Sunstreaker couldn't keep the smirk that rolled onto his face after hearing those words. "Okay I'll let it slide." "Let what slide?" "You waking me up at two in the morning." He said with a cheeky grin. "Oh well thanks. I appreciate it." she said sarcastically. "Of course, no problem." He said with a small chuckle. He put his servo down on the ground for her to climb up on, then the two went back to his berth. It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep. Nichole fell asleep curled up in the crook of Sunstreaker's neck cables.

The next morning was a rough one. Nichole had barely any sleep and was a complete mess. "Frag, what happened to you?" Sideswipe asked loud enough the whole base must have heard. "Good Morning to you too Sideswipe." She growled out to him before sitting up. Sunstreaker didn't take long to wake up after the first two. "What's the plan for today?" He asked stretching himself out. "I don't know about you two, but I need to talk to Lennox." She answered as she is using her fingers to comb out her long-tangled hair. "Why?" Both the twins asked at the same time. "I thought about really hard last night. I had been thinking about it for a while, but I've decided I'm going to try and get back in the military." "Why would you want to do that?" Sunstreaker snapped at her, picking her up and bringing her to his optic level. "Why not? Military is all I know. It is something I'm good at. I'm all healed up and I'm going to need something to do, besides work out and do random stuff around base. I need to keep my mind busy." "Well Sides and I can keep you busy." "You two aren't always going to be around." Both the twins put disappointed looks on their faces. Sunstreaker more upset between the two. Because he knew she was right.

"Well if that's what you want...I won't stop you." Sunstreaker said with a sad voice. The look on his face is killing Nichole. The hurt and sadness. She wanted to make it stop, but this was something she needed to do. She leaned in closer to the handsome mech, her hands resting against his cheeks. "Thank you." She whispered, then gave him a small kiss and again surprising him. He didn't want her to stop. He wanted to really kiss her. It was about time. He set her on the floor and she looked up at him confused. Soon his holoform was standing in front of her, both forgetting that Sideswipe was in the room. He got as close to her as he could, wrapping his arms around her waist, his hands resting higher on her back to push her to him, and her arms naturally wrapping around his neck. As time slowed around them, the world began to blur, and it was only them. Nichole could feel his breath against her jaw. His lips just barely grazing against her cheek. Her patience running thin, she turned her head into him, their lips finally meeting. A shiver ran down both of their spines, making them both grip each other harder. They moved their lips in sync with each other, fitting perfectly together. Their eyes squeeze shut, getting lost in the moment.

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