Chapter 39

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She looks back at Sideswipe and jumps into his arms. "Sideswipe!" He happily holds her close. Tears draining from his eyes. "Nichole. Your alive." He whispers as he leaves kisses up her neck to her cheek, until he reaches her lips. "" She pants in between kisses. "I'm sorry. I've just been so lost without you two. Its all my fault that you got taken. You almost died. Diesel an I haven't been able to think straight." He leans his forehead against hers, hands gripping her tight. "Where is Diesel?" She asks, leaning back a bit.

"Right here." His voice cracks as he looks down at her. He kneels and wipes a tear from his optic. "You weren't crying, were you?" she jokes. "Of course not." He smiles, just happy that she is alive. "You totally were. Now where is Sunstreaker?" She seems to have forgotten what had happened to her first love. "You don't remember?" Sideswipe looked at her confused for a moment. "Remember what?" She paused, scrunching her face, thinking. "Sunstreaker!" Her eyes widened as she shrieked out his name. "Where is he?" She screeched shivering, waiting for Sideswipe to answer. All Sideswipe could do was point up at the larger berth next to them. "Take me to him." She ordered. Sideswipe's holoform dissolved and once in bipedal mode, he picked her up and gave her a view of Sunstreaker. "Sunstreaker." She gasps.

"Kup did this?" She questioned turning to Sideswipe. All Sideswipe could do is nod. "Can you set me down next to him?" She asked with a sniffle. Sideswipe gently set her down on his golden twin. She immediately crawled to the incision scar. On her hands and knees, she traces the welded marks along his torso, leading up near his spark casing. She could just barely hear the low hum of his spark. She laid down on her stomach and laid her head down against his casing. His warm chest heating up her ear as she listened closely. A small pool of tears pooled down onto his golden torso. "Come back to me, Sunstreaker." She whispers, laying a small kiss just over his spark. The room silent around the two, no one daring to interrupt. After a few moments she gets up and crawls up to his helm. With shaking fingers, she lightly caresses his cheek. "Oh Sunstreaker. If only I had been here." She said quietly, looking over his beautiful features. Silent tears rain as she struggles to breath.

A groan leaks from Sunstreaker's vocal box. Nichole pops up, standing on the berth, both hands on his cheek, looking at his eyes. Waiting for them to open up. Sunstreaker makes another moan and brings his arm up to his helm. "Ah!" Nichole shouts as his shoulder almost crushes her between his neck. She is quick to jump back up on his chest. She turns to watch him. Sideswipe and Diesel attention trained on Sunstreaker as well. "Nichole!" He shouts when he hears her shriek. His optics snap wide open and he jolts up to a sitting position, looking around until he sees a figure sliding down his chest. Quickly putting a servo under her, he catches her before she fell down to his hips. He brings his servo up, so he can see her better. His optics focus on her and a wide smile comes to his face. She brings her hands folded up to her face, bouncing excitedly in his servo. Before he can speak, he breaks into a fit of coughs. Making him lay back down. Her face falls fast, watching her mech struggle. She hops back up to his helm, caressing his cheek again. Sideswipe stands up, trying to find a way to help his brother. "Sunny, breath. I'll go get Ratchet." Sideswipe says with some calmness.

Sideswipe leaves the room to look for Ratchet. Nichole continues to caress Sunstreaker's cheek. The coughs die down and he attempts to speak again. "Shhhh, babe. Its okay, I'm here and I'm fine." She lays a gentle kiss to his cheek, bringing a smile to his face. His head turns to be able to see her better. "Kup didn't hurt you, did he?" His husky voice came out a little rough as he spoke. "No, he didn't hurt me." She lied, not wanting to upset him. "Nichole." Diesel warned. She snaps him a glare, telling him to say nothing. He sits back down, putting his hands up in defense, getting the idea.

"Nichole you should not be out of bed. You need to be resting as well." Ratchet scolded the minute he walked into the room. He doesn't hesitate to pluck her off of Sunstreaker and setting her back down on the hospital bed she had woken up on before. "Why...(cough)...should she be resting? Nichole...(Cough Cough) I though you said you were (Cough) okay." Sunstreaker tried hard not to cough in between sentences. He tried to look down at her, but Ratchet got in the way, pushing him back down, running scans on him. "I am okay." She defended. "You were just shot almost twelve hours ago, you are not okay until I say your okay." Ratchet barked down to her. She waved her arms at him to try and get him to stop but ended up slapping her forehead once Ratchet spilled the beans.

"You were What?!?" Sunstreaker sat up abruptly, optics wide with worry. "Lay back down." Ratchet ordered pushing the frontliner down again. "Why did you lie to me?" He asked trying to sit up again, only to be pushed down for a third time. "I didn't want to worry you." Nichole said fidgeting with her fingers. "Who shot you? I'm going to kill em." Sunstreaker growled. "No, you're not." Sideswipe stepped in. "Why the frag not? Why the frag haven't you killed them yet?" Now Sunstreaker's anger was getting pointed towards his twin. "Because it was Kup." Sideswipe stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed as he told his brother. He watched as his twins face went from angry to sad in a matter of seconds. The battle going on in his mind could be seen as his optics kept going back and forth.

"Where is Kup?" After a few silent moments, Sunstreaker finally asked. "He's in the brig for now until we can come up with a plan to change him back." Sunstreaker gave Sides a confused look. "I'll let Nichole and Diesel explain." The twins looked over at Diesel and Nichole. "Don't talk about it now, I don't need either of you to get worked up." Ratchet intervened. Nichole gave an annoyed growl and crossed her arms angerly. "I don't care if you like it or not." And with that Ratchet left the room. The minute Nichole couldn't see Ratchet she yelled out Sideswipe to put her up with Sunstreaker. Which he happily agreed too.

"How did you guys find me?" She sat cross-legged on top of Sunstreaker's chest. "That is a good story." Diesel piped up. She gave Diesel a 'what the fuck' look and all he did was chuckle. "After everything here calmed down a bit...." "Meaning he calmed down." Sideswipe whispered to Nichole, who tied to stifle her laugh. "Lennox told me what Megatron made you get. Now everything with Kup makes sense. He was shot with..." "The opposium Cylinder." Nichole finished his sentence. "How do you know?" He gave her a watchful eye. "When I got blasted by Kup, I didn't die. It was like I was sent to another dimension. A cybertronian met me and told me all about it. I never got his name though and it was very hard to tell who he was with all the fog." She explained. "We will have to talk about that later. Anyway, we were getting ready to start searching for you when..." Diesel was cut off by the door to the medical bay open. "Nichole, Sunstreaker, it is good to see you two awake." The large defined Autobot leader walked into the room. Nichole and Sunstreaker couldn't help but look at him in shock.

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