Chapter 5

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On the other side of the door, Nichole brushed off her rage, trying to calm herself before she walked to her room. She knows she is supposed to meet with Optimus, but at this point she didn't care. She wants nothing to do with any of them. She wanted to go back to the solitude of her room. She didn't even want to be here. She was forced to be here. Her therapist said it would be good for her, it would help her. What was is helping? It only made her angry that everyone else got to live and her partner didn't. that those giant bastards didn't come and save him. When they knew he was alive, they knew, and they did nothing. She walked quickly through the hallway, through the hanger and she was almost to the other side when she was stopped.

"Nichole!" An energetic voice yelled from across the room. She stopped short, clenching her hands at her sides.

"Yes?" She growled as she turned to see who it was. The large metal footsteps shook the floor as the Autobot made its way to her. The large red bot knelt down to her level.

"Where you going? We are about to go scouting, if you would like to join." He tried to sound cheery. He only tried, because he knew Optimus wanted them to get to know her and his brother was acting funny whenever her name was said.

"No thanks, I'm going to my room." She went to turn and leave, but she heard her name called again.

Optimus made his way across the hanger to where Sideswipe and she were standing. "Nichole, I believe we were supposed to talk about you getting a guardian." He crossed his arms, looking down at her. She snapped him a glare, not happy about the guardian thing.

"I don't need a guardian. I can guard myself." She sneered, crossing her arms as well. "It is only for protection, incase you need to leave base." Optimus tried to explain.

"Well I would already have a guardian if you wouldn't have let him die!" Her words stung.

They were filled with hate. She showed no remorse for her words. Her dark gray eyes almost turned white with hate. Sideswipe backed away, for once actually afraid of a human. He had never met a human like her before. Looking between her and his leader. Optimus was unsure of what to say, but he couldn't hide that her words did hurt. She kept her death stare, making Optimus have to look away. He thought hard on what he should say, but there wasn't anything he could say. Nothing he could say would fix what happened.

The hanger fell silent, the usual noise of trucks, people and Autobots seemed to stop at a standstill. They all heard her words. It was hard not to when she yelled them at the top of her lungs. Everyone's mouth was open in shock, not knowing what to say or think. Optimus then, without warning, fell to his knees in front of her. His guilt-ridden face staring into her hateful eyes. The world around them seemed to vanish. He could almost see it now, the pain and hurt that was lost in her eyes. She was breathing heavy, teeth bared, hands clenched in tight fists. He wanted to help with her pain, but as time slowed down, he began to lose sight of the hurt in her eyes. She knew how to hide her pain well, any emotion. Anger seemed to be the only one she would display. It wasn't until Lennox came running into the bay, that she tore herself away from the staring contest and walked briskly to her barracks room.

"What just happened?" Lennox asked Optimus, who was still kneeling, watching her walk away. Once out of view he turned and looked at Lennox. He looked down, not really able to look at the Major. He didn't know what to say or how to say what just happened.

"She needs to go, Sir." One of the soldiers spoke up, he had seen the whole confrontation. "She's not human. She just disrespected Prime. She doesn't think before she speaks." Another butted in. A few others agreed. The bots did as well. Except for Prime, Sideswipe and Lennox, they were the only ones who have yet to say anything.

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