Chapter 12

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It was the next morning and the first thing Nichole did when she got up, was go take a shower. It was one of the only times she went in her room, except to change and do morning hygiene. Her bed was still made from the day she found out Diesel was still alive. She stood in the bathroom, using a fan to clear the steam from the mirror, brushing her long brown hair, then put it into a French braid. She set the brush down and set her hands on the counter, leaning on them. She looked at herself in the mirror, taking in her appearance. In a week the thin line of the scar would be reopened and re stitched. Something she was not looking forward too, but she knew it had to be done. Diesel wouldn't let her not get the fracture fixed. He always looks out for her, even though she can't look out for herself. With a sigh she turned and walked out of the bathroom heading to the dresser.

She pulls out a pair of faded black low-rise skinny jeans out of the bottom drawer and pulls them over her plain black boy short panties. Out of the second drawer she pulls out a few different tops, not sure what she should wear. Most of her clothes were tomboyish, but she still dressed like the female she was. She chose a blood red low-cut t-shirt, two black stripes on the sleeves. She slipped it over her plain black bra she wore. As she finished tying her boot laces there was a knock on the door. She gave a low groan and stood, walking to the door. She opened it slightly to see Sunstreaker's holoform wearing a golden t-shirt with black stripe offset down the front of his well-built chest. He had golden blond spiky hair. His eyes were the color of Energon and had a hard look to them. His eyebrows arched and looked angry. He had high cheekbones, a chiseled clean-shaven jaw. His lips were in a thin line. Showing how unhappy he was. Before she could finish checking him out, he spoke, "You ready to go, fleshie?" He asked looking down at her. She gave a groan and she replied she was. She made sure to grab a pair of sunglasses, then walked out and locked her door behind her, then followed the holoform out to the hanger.

They said nothing between them as they walked into the hanger. She walked over to Diesel before getting in the vehicle. "You better get to your appointment on time. Sunstreaker has orders to make sure you get to the VA and you get into the appointment." Diesel explained with his hands on his hips, looking down at the growling female. She gave him a nasty look before saying goodbye and getting into the golden Lamborghini. Sunstreaker kept his holoform on in the driver seat and she got into the passenger.

"You going to buckle up?" He stated more than asked. She rolled her eyes and pulled the buckle over her chest and hooked it. He gave a low sigh and drove off. It was just like the day him and Sides took her out to in town to get her out of the base, as they brought Diesel back. They rode in silence. Nichole kept her eyes out the window, not giving Sunstreaker a glance. Her sunglasses shielded her eyes from the blinding sun, though there really was no need with his tinted windows.

It didn't take to long for them to get to the VA hospital. Sunstreaker pulled up to the gate to the parking garage.

"Business?" The security guard asked.

"Appointment." Sunstreaker told him. The guard nodded and opened the gate. They drove through and Sunstreaker drove all the way to the top, finding a parking spot away from the other cars.

"Worried someone might scratch your paint." Nichole foretold, trying to hide the smirk forming on her face. He sent a glare her way, making her unable to hide her smirk anymore. She quickly unbuckled and got out of the lambo, slamming the door once out.

"Don't slam my door." He barked at her, checking to make sure she didn't make a dent. She rolled her eyes under the cover of her sunglasses. "Baby." She muttered under her breath as she started walking away, not waiting for Sunstreaker to catch up. He was to busy making sure his finish was intact he didn't notice her walking away. By time he noticed, she was about to step into the elevator.

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