Chapter 4

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Lennox made his way down to Nichole's room after he got finished talking to Optimus. He stopped in front of her door, brought his hand up ready to knock, but stopped. He wasn't sure if he should, but if she's hurt, she needs to get checked out. He gave a quiet groan and knocked on the door. He could here some shuffling coming from behind the door, but no answer.

"Nichole! You okay in there?" He yelled knocking on the door again. The lock was heard being flipped back and the door slightly opened. She stuck her head out, making sure to keep her right arm out of view.

"I'm fine. But I am going to need a new mirror. I was going to come to you after I cleaned it up." She slightly lied to the high-ranking officer.

"How did you break the mirror?" He crossed his arms and raised one eyebrow.

"It must not have been hung on the wall correctly and when I went to wipe it clean, it fell and shattered." She flat out lied, but she hid it to well.

"Are you injured?" He believed her. "Just a few minor cuts, nothing I can't handle." She explained, then leaned back to close the door. "Let's just have Jolt take a quick look, to make sure its okay." He went to push the door open more, trying to get her to come out.

"No that won't be necessary. I'm fine." She pushed.

"Why won't you go see a medical officer? We just want to make sure your alright. Nothing wrong with that." He moved to try and grab her, but she grabbed his wrist first. "I wouldn't try that if I were you." She warned. "Doctors and I don't get along. Autobot or not. I can tend to my own wounds."

"You will have to go to the VA when its time to get those stiches taken out. You know, that right?" He took his wrist back, rubbing where she gripped tight.

"Why? When I can take them out myself." She said seriously. Lennox brought his hand up and rubbed it down his face.

"I really don't want to fight with you, but if you are staying here, you will follow the military protocol here. I am not going to let you take out your own stiches. If you won't go to the VA, then at least let Ratchet do it." He suggested.

She let out a low growl, then a huff of defeat. "Fine, but I'm not going to see anyone about the random cuts on my hand, I can take care of that myself." She pointed a finger at him, eyes demanding.

"That's fine. I do need to talk to you eventually. Not now, but I will probably send someone to get you tomorrow." He told her then left down the hallway.

Nichole quickly closed the door, locking it back up. She leaned her back against the door and slid down to the floor. She brought her knees up close to her chest and wrapped one arm around her knees. She took her newly scraped up hand and examined it. Some of the cuts were deep, probably should have gotten stitches, but she wouldn't look weak. She decided she could do it herself, wrapping it up for now. She didn't realize how exhausted she was from her flight. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out, but who knows how long, with her night terrors, she never knew if she would sleep that night or not. They only started after she lost Diesel. She didn't realize how much she relied on him until he was gone, and it was killing her. She rolled around in her sleep, wrapping the sheets around her. The night terrors already beginning.

Meanwhile across base, a set of twins were beginning to fight. "I just want to know why I feel like this. There is clearly something going on and I need to know." Sideswipe yelled to his brother. "I don't fragging know why. I've never felt this shit either. Lets just try and ignore it the best we can for now." Sunstreaker suggested. Sideswipe gave him a nod, but still wish he could get answers. There was something off about this new girl. They both wanted to know why, neither of them understands. They decided to try and sleep it off. Maybe a good recharge would help them both. It took a bit for Sunstreaker to fall into recharge. His mind was a floating abyss, never ending. Nicole kept popping in and out of his mind. He continued to try and shake her away, only for her to come back in his mind. Her serious, scared up face, the gleam that shimmered over her eyes. He couldn't get it out of his helm. There was something there and he had no idea what it was, but he was going to figure it out. Even if it scared him to death.

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