Chapter 22

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"What happened?" Sunstreaker asked the minute she walked out the door in his holoform. Her hand hadn't even left the handle and he was in her face. "Go away." She growled, pushing past him. He gave a low snarl before grabbing her arm. "Don't growl at me. Tell me what happened." "Excuse me. I don't have to tell you shit. You don't own me." She snapped, pulling her arm away and continuing to walk away. He huffs out his nose and ran in front of her to stop her. "No, I don't, but you should be able to tell me. I'm here for you. You know this." His face softened as he spoke to her. Hoping to get through to her. He looked for something in her eyes. For something to tell him she was listening. Her eyes weren't saying anything. They looked cold and distant. Dark and unwelcoming. There wasn't any sign of life. He didn't know what to do but let her go. He moved to the side, so she could pass. She didn't hesitate to start moving. All he could do was watch her go, confused on what happened and what he should do.

"Is she okay?" Sunstreaker asked Diesel after going back into his bipedal mode. "No, she is not." Diesel said truthfully. Though not saying how bad she really is. "What happened in there?" He felt the need to know, so he could find a way to help Nichole. "She had to relive a terrible day. The day that caused her to come here." Sunstreaker gasps and looks away for a moment. Part of him wanted to know what happened while she was overseas, but the other part knew better than to ask. She would tell him when she was ready. "Is there anything I can do?" "Let her come to you. I know you don't like that idea, but she needs her space. We never talked about that battle. We were hoping to never have to talk about it. She's needs to let her mind calm down first, before she talks to anyone." Diesel warned. Sunstreaker didn't like the idea at all, but he understood or at least tried too. Humans are so fragile, but this girl refused to break. He just didn't know what is really going on in her head.

She stormed her way to her room, not looking back. She could care less for anyone at this point. She only wants to be alone. Alone to talk herself into holding it all together. Even though she knows the minute she walks in, she's going to break down. She didn't realize she was shaking until she tried to unlock her door. It was difficult, and she had to hold her hand in place. "C'mon you piece of shit. Open!" She silently yelled at the door. Finally, she got In and immediately slammed the door behind her, locking with a simple click. She leaned back against the door, sliding down tell her butt hit the floor. Her knees came up to her chest without any thought and her arms wrapped around. Stuffing her head into her knees, silent tears began to fall. She can't let anyone see her falter. She's cold, tough, heartless. She has no emotion. She's not allowed to have any. This is the first time she's broke and let the tears fall. Everything she held inside, from years ago to now, she finally let go.

No one knows how long she locked herself in her room. She doesn't even know herself. She hadn't realized as she woke up from crying herself to sleep. She slowly pushed herself up off the door, wobbling a bit. Once steady, she staggered to the bathroom to wash her tear stained face. She splashed her face with water then brought her hands down on either side of the sink. Her hair draped over her face, messy and tangled. Her eyes peered through the strands and she stared at herself in the mirror. Her breath was uneven and heartrate fast. Before she could even think, glass shattered around her. Blood dripped around the sink as she brought her fist down near her chest. More tears began to slip, her breathing became harder. "Get it together James." She muttered to herself.

A loud pounding on the door seemed to bring her out of her thoughts, but she didn't move. She let them keep knocking, to the point where it sounded like the door was going to fall down. She could hear her name being called and she recognized the voice. He sounded scared and worried. His scream being muffled though the door that she refused to open. She looked at herself again, her eyes seemed to be darker, the gray almost black and bloodshot. She saw a number of herself in the shattered glass that still clung. A scowl formed on her face as she punched the mirror again, unable to handle looking at herself. His voice rang through her room, screaming at her to open the door. After not answering again, she heard definite kicks to the door. One...two...three and the door splintered and fell to the floor. "Nichole!" He ran in, stopping at looking at her.

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