Chapter 32

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Nichole hops out of his alt before it had even stopped. Being careful not to transform, Sideswipe got out in his holoform and caught up to Nichole, grabbing her arm and pulling her back before she got to close. "What gives?!" She attempts not to shout as she glares at Sideswipe. "We don't even know if it's him. and if it is we don't want to scare him. He hasn't transformed yet or done anything, he could be in recharge or stasis. We need to be careful." He whispers into her ear. She stares back over at the tarp covering who they hoped is Sunstreaker. "How many golden vehicles have you seen, cause I sure haven't seen any but one." She argues.

"Sunny wasn't always golden." Sideswipe admits. "What?" She wonders looking at Sideswipe surprised. "He used to be a bright yellow, as bright as the sun." His voice was soft as he spoke about his twin. "When we landed he fell in love with the metallic gold color. So, he changed the color, thought he looked better, more shiny and flashy." His eyes avert to the ground. "Why didn't you change your color to match?" She asks looking at his sad face. "I think you would have looked good in metallic silver or any silver for that matter." She continued, making Sideswipe look at her, a small smile making its way to his holoform lips. The proximity to the two's lips closing.

"We need to make sure its him." She said quickly changing the subject, pulling herself away from him. "I will do it then." He pushed her behind him. She shoved him out of the way and stood next to him. "We can do it together." She growled. She wasn't some innocent girl that needed to be protected. They slowly walked up to the tarp covered vehicle. Holes in the tarp showed some of the golden paint that sparkled against the headlights. They each took a side and gripped the edge near what they believed to be the front of the vehicle. "One...Two...Three..." Sideswipe whispers, and they fling the tarp off together.

Underneath is a sight for sore eyes. Nichole couldn't stop the gasp that left her lips. "Oh Sunny." Sideswipe tone is full of sorrow and sympathy. "What happened to you?" Sideswipe asks but doesn't expect an answer. In front of them, the once glistening golden Lamborghini lay battered. Windshield and windows all smashed in, the glass cutting up the interior on the inside. The leather seats now torn and stuffing popping out, the once white seats almost look black now. Rough, jagged cuts run across the metal sides. Part of the roof had been crushed, making it impossible for someone to sit inside...comfortably. The front of the car looked as if it had been stepped on, one headlight missing and the other dangling from the wiring, like it was holding on for dear life. The damage is unimaginable. There is a puddle of blue liquid underneath the form and is slowly coming out in front from the uneven pavement the alt is parked on. "He's been here awhile." Sideswipes voice low as he looks over the alt some more.

"We need to get him back to base." Sideswipe shuddered in anger. Who could have done this to his brother. "Why? He deserves this. He can stay here." Nichole's tone is tainted like poison. Sideswipe froze, not believing what he just heard. "Yeah maybe, but he doesn't deserve to die. How can you say that?" He shouted at her, eyes from strangers around them, staring at them. "HE KILLED PRIME, JAZZ, IRONHIDE, RATCHET AND DIESEL. He is the reason they are not here. He is the reason I'm supposed to be dead." She screamed, forcing Sideswipe to shy away from her. "There has to be a reason why. We need to know, and we can't know if he's dead. Please you love him, and he loves you." He pleaded to her. She gritted her teeth together, eyes shooting daggers at the red twin. "I do not love a traitor. I will never love this piece of scrap metal." Her tone thin as ice, swearing at him.

"Then why don't you just leave." Sideswipe stood tall, teeth clenched tight together, knuckles turning white. Nichole stared at him and he stared back, both glaring hard, neither wanted to break away, both wanting to be dominant in the argument. "Fine. Do what you want? Tell Lennox I'm not coming back." She barked. She gave one last glare to Sideswipe, then one final look over Sunstreaker's seemingly lifeless husk. Her heart twanged a bit in pain, but she chose to ignore it. Without a goodbye, she left, stomping down and out of the alleyway. Sideswipe listened to her footsteps walk away from him, until he couldn't hear them anymore. A small tear rolled down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. "She's a monster. It will be better with her gone." He spoke, not to anyone in particular.

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