Chapter 7

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The week went by without anymore hitches. Unfortunately there was no word from Ratchet and they would be arriving in a few more days. Nichole stayed in her room most of the time. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, well mostly Sideswipe tried to get her to come out of the room more, but that wasn't going to happen if she could help it. Sunstreaker spent time with Jolt trying to figure out how he was able to find her. Why his spark pulled to her. He wasn't happy about it and Jolt didn't know the answer either. They were going to have to wait for Ratchet to get back to find out more information. For now, Sunstreaker would do his best to block the pull. Block Nichole out of his mind. Though, sometimes it was difficult. He wasn't ready to accept that his spark wanted her. He wanted to know why it did. What was so special about the ignorant fleshie. She was a selfish, heartless, broken fleshy. He wouldn't even want one that was whole. That had no scars and had emotions. They were squishy and disgusting.

Nichole was done being stuck in her room. She didn't want to stay in there in the first place, but she felt like it was the only place she could be left alone. Though it didn't help when Sideswipe or Sunstreaker or both kept knocking on her door ever few hours. She liked to be outside or just moving around. She wasn't allowed to train, but that wasn't going to stop her. She decided she was going to go into the training room after everyone went to bed. She needed to get the restlessness out of her system. It was driving her crazy. When midnight rolled around, she rolled out of bed. She wrapped her hands up. Pulled on a loose pair of sweat pants and pulled a skivi shirt over her head. She tied up her running shoes, then pulled her long hair in a loose pony. Now she had to sneak to the training room. The door opened a crack, she peeked through to see if any guards were walking around. Coast clear and she bolted down the hall.

Sunstreaker had finally been able to lay down and attempt to recharge. Trying to block Nichole takes a lot more energy than it should. Sideswipe passed out with no problems, not before asking him a million questions again about his spark half. It wasn't until he was just about to let recharge take him that he felt it. He felt a ping in his spark chamber. He felt it reaching for something. He growled, running his servos over his face.

His face scrunched up in anger at his spark. "What do you want now?" He whispered, trying not to wake Sideswipe. He was too tired to try and block the pull but didn't want to get off the berth. After a few more minutes he couldn't stand the tugging.

"Ugh Fine! I'll go." He growled lowly and made his way off the berth and out of the room. He slouched as he walked slowly down the hall, following the way his spark was telling him to go.

Out in the hall, making her way to the training room. She had been able to sneak around guards on duty and found the training room. It was empty like she assumed it would be. Her hope was for no one to come in, but the idea of getting caught was thrilling. She made her way to the back of the large room, to the kick boxing area. She was going to have to be careful, not wanting to pull out any stitches.
First, she would start out with doing the basics, sit ups, pushups, planks and some others. It got the heart rate going and sweat began to seep out of her pores. Next, she went over the boxing bags to begin some hand to hand combat training. Though, it was a lot more fun with someone, because she usually took her anger out on the poor sap that had to tango with her. Her focus stayed on the bag, fist making hard contact with the bag, making it swing back and forth. Jab, cross, Left hook, Right hook, repeat. Round kick, front kick, jumping lunge, switch, repeat. She tried to keep her grunts to a minimum, not wanting wondering ears to hear. Though, a pair of audio receptors picked up her huffs not to long after she started.

Sunstreaker stood leaning against the door frame, watching the cold hearted fleshie work out. His spark stopped pulling when he turned to walk into the room. He wondered why his spark pulled him to the room. Upon hearing the grunts and groans, he saw her fists connecting with the punching bag. He could see the sweat trailing down her face, her eyes focused on the task at hand, her teeth clenched together with each hit. He could see her muscles bulge under the thin t-shirt sticking her glistening skin. He had never really paid attention to the other soldiers when they worked out, but with her, he couldn't take his optics off. He broke out of his trance when he saw her stumble back, holding her hand up to her cheek. She caught herself, leaning against the wall. Her head was staring at the floor for a moment, but now she was able to feel the optics on her. Her head snapped up and her eyes met his. He could see now why she faltered. The side of her cheek, right in line of the stiches, blood was tracing itself down the side of her face. His sparked reached for her again, wanting to stop her pain. He wanted to go into his holoform, grab a first aid kit and take care of her. It was hard to see her in this position, even when she did it to herself.

Pain flashed over her eyes, the broken stitch hurting more than she anticipated. She didn't want Sunstreaker, or anyone, to see her this way. No one was supposed to know she was they're in the first place. Sunstreaker transformed and online his holoform. He went into the bathrooms near the door leading in and came out with a wet towel. He slowly made his way to Nichole, never taking his eyes off of her. Neither spoke as he came closer to her. His holoform short blond hair, bright energon blue eyes, chiseled jaw that was clean shaven. He was dressed in a golden t-shirt that fitted to his muscular torso, his pecks were defined and could be seen through the shirt. If Nichole were to touch his stomach, she would feel the six pack underneath. He had on a pair of faded black jeans that hugged his waist and a pair of golden-yellow high tops. She took a step back as he drew closer, her hand covering her wound. Knowing what he was trying to do, she wanted nothing to do with it.

"Let me help you. I won't tell anyone you were in here. okay?" He reached out to put the wet cloth on her cheek, blood was seeping through her hand and down her neck. Her eyes glanced from the towel to Sunstreaker and back. She kept stepping back until she hit the wall. Now she had no where to go. She could run to the side, but risk getting blood everywhere.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He whispered as he lightly removed her hand from her cheek. A shiver ran down her back at his touch. His spark seemed to stop for only a second. He quickly brought the towel up and covered the reopened wound.

"You know that was pretty stupid of you. You know you aren't supposed to be doing heavy activity." He tired to stay calm, but he was getting angry now for what she had done to herself. Her eyes looked away from him, not saying anything.

"Let's get you to Jolt, so he can stitch you back up." She snapped her eyes back to him and a scowl formed on her face.

"I can redo it myself." She put her hand on the towel pressed against her cheek, then slapped Sunstreaker's hand away.

"No, you don't have to do that." He argued.

"I've done it before, I can do it again." She started to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"You're not at war anymore. You're not even in the military anymore. Help is here, just take it." He growled.

"Why do you even care?" She tired to keep her voice down, ripping her hand out of his grip. He clenched his teeth. He didn't have an answer for her and he didn't want to tell her about his spark pulls.

"Exactly. Do not speak of this to anyone or I'll rip out your spark." She threatened leaving the training room.

"Your welcome." He mumbled under his breath before going back into bipedal mode.

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