Chapter 23

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*Warning sexual innuendos*

"What do you mean you have to leave?" Sideswipe questioned his twin. "It's not like I'm leaving for good. I just have to go check on something." Sunstreaker answered calmly. "And you can't tell me...Your brother?" "You don't have to know everything that I do." He scoffed walking out of their room down the hall. "Why can't I go with you?" "Go where?" The dead voice of the young women rang out in the hall. "Sunny is leaving us for some reason he won't tell me." Sideswipe said annoyed. Sunstreaker scoffed at the nickname and rolled his eyes. "I have to take care of something." He said looking down at Nichole. "Like what?" She asked. He gave a low sigh. "Like I need to go now, or I won't be coming back at all." He dragged out. Both Nichole and Sideswipe took a step back and looked at him in confusion. "What aren't you telling me?" Sideswipe voice low and demanding. "Its nothing. Don't worry about it." He pushed past his brother and stepped over Nichole. Before either could say anything, Sunstreaker transformed and burned rubber leaving the base.

"What was that about?" Nichole asked looking up at Sideswipe. Sideswipe looked down at her with just as confused look as hers. "I have no idea and I don't like it. He's blocking me from the bond. So, I have absolutely no idea what's going on." He explained. "Well what do we do? Wait for him to come back?" "That's about all we can do. What do you and Sunny usually do?" His voice sounded annoyed and Nichole could sense a hint of jealousy. She chose to ignore it. "Lately its just been hanging around. I can't do much with my hand and face." "Want to go watch a movie?" He tried to give her a smile, though it came out forced. "You don't have to hang out with me just because Sunstreaker is gone." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I know, but if your going to be my twins sparkmate, I should probably learn to like you." She couldn't stop the chuckle that came from her throat. "one I'm not your twins sparkmate and two I'm not stealing him from you."

"But you will be eventually. He's more in love with you than you know. Us cybertronians are different from humans in that way. We know from the moment we see the one, that that person will be our forever. He knew from the moment he met you that he was in love with you. He tried so hard to suppress it, but I knew he couldn't. You're his and he's yours." Sideswipe let out. Nichole wasn't sure how to take the information in. "I don't even know what love is." She said quietly. "I know, Sunny knows too. That's why he won't tell you he loves you. He will wait tell your ready." Silence fell among them as they walked to the rec room. So many different things were running through her head, still trying to understand that Sunstreaker loved her. A feeling came to her stomach and her chest began to ache. Something she had began to feel since she started being with Sunstreaker more. It bothered her that she didn't know what it was. The only thing she could do was wait to figure out what it was.

They walked into the rec room in silence. Sideswipe sat on the large couch and brought Nichole up to sit next to him. "What do you want to watch?" He asked. looking down at her. She sat cross legged next to him. "Anything but romance." She replied. Now it was Sideswipes turn to let out a chuckle. "Maybe it would teach you a thing or two." She stared up at him in disgust. "Have you done anything along the lines of a relationship?" He couldn't stop himself from asking. "You act like I'm a nun or something." "Well you don't seem to care about anything like that...Are you a virgin?" He said the last part in a whisper. She rolled her eyes at him but answered anyway. "No, I'm not. Just because I don't do relationships doesn't mean I don't get any." She defended and tried to keep the smirk at bay.

"Oh good. Sunny like experienced femme." He blurted. The movie had begun to play, but it didn't stop Nichole from hearing what he said. "Seriously?" "What? I'm serious. I'm just warning you." "This is not how I thought our bonding session would go." They both broke into a fit of laughs. Something Nichole didn't do often with people. "I think its working." Sideswipe said trying to stop laughing. Now they weren't even paying attention to the movie. "I don't plan on sleeping with Sunstreaker anytime soon." "do you do that with all your boyfriends?" "I don't usually have boyfriends. I had 'friends with benefits' you could say. If I wanted it, I knew where to get it. No strings attached." "No wonder you don't know anything about love." She let out a laugh, understanding he is joking.

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