Chapter 27

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"Sunny, you need to rest." Sideswipe tried to get through his brother's head. "I can't. Not with her out there. I just can't." He cried out. Sunstreaker walked towards the exit, getting ready to continue his search for Nichole. It had been a few days since she ran away. Everyone was out looking for her. They were losing places to look at this point. Lennox made it clear that if you weren't busy working, you were helping the search for Nichole. He himself was also worried for her safety. It was getting to the point that he felt the need to try and get ahold of Diesel. They may need him to help find her. "Sunny, please. She wouldn't want you to let yourself go like this." Sideswipe kept trying. "She's out there because of me. Its my fault she is missing." He looked out the doorway, staring into the rain that had begun to pour from the sky. "What exactly happened? What did you say to her that night?" Sideswipe questioned. He remembers his twin coming and shaking him violently awake, telling him that Nichole had run away, and they needed to find her. He remembers how scared his twin was, the look in his eye as he spoke about her. Frantic that he might never see her again.

"I told her that I love her." Sunstreaker whispered. It was just loud enough for Sides to hear. "It scared her. She freaked out. I tried to stop her from leaving. I couldn't stop telling her I love her and that she needed to hear it. Then she told me she doesn't believe in love. That it doesn't really exist. It broke my spark." His optics found his brothers. Hurt, desperation, helplessness shown. Sideswipe could feel his brother's emotions flooding though their bond. He wishes he had a way to help him. Stop the hurt that has been caused. "I mean what if something worse has happened to her. What if she's hurt or got caught or something." Sunstreaker continued to cry out. "She's a tough cookie. Nothing bad will happen to her. We all know she can fight and she can kill. She can take care of herself." Sides reasoned. Hoping it would help his throbbing spark.

"Where's Bumblebee?!?" Lennox's voice rang out throughout the hanger. "He's out looking with the triplets." Mirage answered as he pulled in. "He needs to get back. I just got something he needs to see. You all need to see." His tone was upsetting. Clearly something happened that wasn't good. "I guess I'm going to have to wait to leave. Maybe its something about Nichole." Sunstreaker wondered as he turned and walked towards the others. "What is it about?" Sideswipe asked. Lennox hesitated, like he wasn't sure what to say or how to say it. "It's about Nichole."


Its dark, its cold and it smells. The ground is hard rock, the cell being built into the wall. Rotting flesh lays around the area. The corpses looking nothing like a human anymore, for they had been there much longer than she. The air was cold enough to see her breath. Goosebumps were raising on her skin. Her clothes torn apart from struggling against her captors. She sits against the rough wall, legs spread out in front of her, her hands laying loosely on her lap. Her sleepless eyes stare in front of her. Nothing in particular, just staring. She has only been here a few days, but time has no place here. The sun never shines deep within this cave. To her it feels as if she's been here for years. With nothing to do and no one to talk to, one wonders how she stays so calm. How she has yet to crack?

Large steps begin to shake the ground as they walked closer. Her hands go to her side, holding the floor, trying not to fall over. Her face never falters from her calm expression. Metal unsheathes and begins to clank against the bars of her cell. Glowing red eyes come into view, lighting up the sword that was being held by the former gladiator. She waits for him to speak, already knowing what he is going to say. The noise stops as he steps in view of her, his narrow eyes staring at her in anger. "You were supposed to die that day." His low raspy voice echoing throughout the cave. This was something different and it caught her attention. "So was your partner. I had been looking for him for quite some time. I needed him to begin my plan. I needed him dead, but somehow he still managed to live, as well as you did." His tone rose with interest as he spoke. Intriguing her more.

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