Control Me Quickly

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"Guys. Azadeh is literally the best," I announce, bursting into the dance studio with our costumes for Monday.
"I asked her for costumes on Tuesday night, and they're already done," I say in excitement. I hand Beckett his costume, a pair of black pants, a black shirt, and a royal blue letterman jacket. I also toss Miles a black leather jacket. My costume is another two piece, a royal blue bralette style top and a short, flowy skirt layered with blue and black material.
"I checked in with the art crew too, since our set is pretty simple, they were able to pull all of our components together. They just need to set it up onstage on Monday," Miles informs us.
"And Helsweel should be here in 3-2-," Beckett looks up at the doors as they slam open revealing Ms. Helsweel.
"That was good," Miles tells him.
"I didn't come here to watch you sit on your rears, let's get on with it!" She exclaims. We immediately move into action. Miles preps his recording and hits play. Beckett and I choreographed our routine together, and it's risky, but I think it's balanced well and our technique is flawless. When the music stops, we all turn to Helsweel.
"Take it after 'Try not to blink'" she orders. Beckett lifts me up into the air and I use his shoulders for stabilization as I extend my leg up.
"Extend your back, Ms. Morita," Helsweel snaps as we continue.
"We are not elephants here, Mr. Bradstreet," she yells.
"Mr. Lennox that was supposed to be an E natural not an E sharp!" She adds, "Now again!" We repeat the section again. And then another thirty times.
"Synchronize your steps in the second verse and clean up the jump after the third lift," Helsweel instructs. We run our entire routine again and Helsweel looks satisfied.
"Satisfactory. For now. By tomorrow, I expect you to clean up your technical issues. This routine definitely brings something, new, to the table," she says before leaving. I turn to Beckett.
"What does that mean?" I ask nervously. Beckett gives us a concerned expression.
"Honestly, I've never heard her say that," he tells us.
"And you live with her," I say dejectedly.
"Hey, that could be a good thing. I mean, you guys said it yourself, you never know what Helsweel speech means," Miles tells us.
"True. Hey! I have an idea!" I announce. Beckett and Miles stare at me blankly. Boys. Clueless.
"Ya know how the panel is made up of three judges? An artist, a musician, and a dancer. We've only ever worked with Helsweel. We need another set of eyes to work out the details in the other areas of our project! Mr. Park," I explain. Miles lights up.
"Of coarse! He has an off period right now, let's go find him," Miles says. We quickly pick up our bags and rush out of the studio.
"Hey Mr. Park," Miles says when we get to the music room.
"Miles, Vanessa, and," he trails off with a smile.
"Beckett Bradstreet," Beckett finishes.
"Ahh, what can I do for you three?" He asks.
"We were wondering you could help us with our IMAD routine, help work out the nitty gritty details," I tell him.
"Of coarse," he says, gesturing to the empty classroom. We run through our routine once and Park applauds at the end.
"Miles, I want you to try the first few phrases up to 'if you won't let go' one or two beats slower. I think it will help the musicality of the routine because if Vanessa moves any slower during the first phrase, she'll lose the fluidity," Mr. Park says. Miles nods and we try again. Park gives us a few more critiques before we leave the classroom.
"Oh my god. He just complimented us, without insulting us at the same time. V, I'm transferring to the music program with you," Beckett says as we leave.
"Right? Who knew there were actually teachers here who don't eat you alive?" I reply. Miles just gives us a concerned look before laughing at us.
"Shut up. You don't have Helsweel for an actual class. You don't understand the trauma," I tell him with a serious face. Beckett nods his head in agreement, only causing Miles to laugh more.

Word Count: 724

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