Keep Fighting

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"V, you need to take a deep breath. You do this every time," Beckett sighs as I hop around back stage. The art students are putting the finishing touches on our set before we go on stage.
"What? I'm fine. Totally fine," I say, continuing to hop about. Beckett rolls his eyes at me before pulling me into a hug.
"Ready whenever you are," Azadeh tells us, as she passes.
"Kay V, this is it. We got this, just like any other performance," Beckett whispers encouragingly. I nod my head.
"Where's Miles?" I ask.
"Right here," he replies, walking up to us. I pull both of them into a hug.
"You ready bro?" Beckett asks.
"Here we go," Miles responds. With a deep breath, Miles walks casually on stage and into the sound booth. He slips on the headphones and switches the mic on. The music starts.
"You got this," Beckett tells me right before I step on stage. The set looks just like the studio does, minus the sound booth in the middle. The music flows throw me as I begin my first turn sequence. Before I know it, Beckett is on stage with me. I love the Street versus Studio vibe and it feels like we're just dancing in the quad on a picnic table. It seems as if no time has even passed before Beckett and I are back in the safety of the stage wings. Miles joins us shortly after and we can here the crowd's applause.
"Do you think they liked it?" I ask, panting slightly.
"Based on the applause, I'd say the audience liked it, the judges were all writing down scores when I walked off stage," Miles informs us.
"I have literally never been more nervous in my life," I say.
"If I were you, and I had just had a performance like that, I would be nervous too," a snarky voice from behind me says. My heart drops instantly as I know who the voice belongs to. I turn around to see the all too familiar brunette looking down at me.
"Hi Vanessa, long time no see," she says, fake sweetness, lacing her voice.
"Aww, you know my name? I'm flattered," I reply with a fake smile. The girl, Laci, glares at me. I glare right back.
"You know, I really am sick off you. If you think you're so much better then me, why don't you go out and prove it," I snap, pushing past her. Beckett and Miles follow after me.
"Are we gonna watch her trio?" Miles asks.
"No, don't give her that satisfaction," Beckett replies.
"Yeah, come on, C, Sasha, and Alya are going on soon in auditorium 1B, we need to be there for moral support," I add. We quickly make our way to the auditorium just in time to catch our friends before they went backstage.
"Good luck C!" I say, giving her a big hug, "you're gonna do great."
"Thanks V," She says with a smile.
"Here we go, you got this," I tell her before she disappears behind the stage doors. Beckett gives Sasha a bro hug and Miles gives Alya a quick side hug before we find a seat in the audience.
"Oh my gosh, I'm nervous for her," I whisper when we sit down. Beckett just laughs, putting his arm around me.
"You're my little bundle of nerves," He replies.
"I'm not little!" I pout.
"Hush little one, they're about to start," Beckett responds, quieting me down. The stage lights go on and I'm amazed by how beautiful the set is. Glitter appears to be rained down from the ceiling, and the lights shine down on the stage keep changing colors. When C appears on stage she literally looks like an angel.
"Beckett, our performance wasn't even near as good as this," I whisper insecurely.
"V, our performance was perfect, even if you don't know that," he replies.
"Yeah. And we had color changing lights too so it was basically the same," Miles adds jokingly.
"Helsweel didn't even talk to us afterwards though," I argue.
"They aren't allowed to tell students, but teachers aren't being allowed to interact with students today. Part of the whole independent study thing, now hush and watch C," Beckett replies. I let out a small breath as I slowly relax watching my best friend dance on stage.
"You think we'll place?" I ask.
"Yes V," Miles and Beckett respond together.

Word Count: 744

AN: Two more chapters left! I repeat! Two more chapters!!!!!!

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