This Is Your Home

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AN: I feel like this story hasn't had a whole lot of Becknessa fluff and it made me upset, so here we are:)


I collapse onto the sofa in Beckett's living room as soon as I walk in the front door. Beckett flops down beside me moments later, pulling me to him. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.
"It doesn't seem real," I mumble.
"I know. I can't believe I get to go to college with you," Beckett replies.
"Mmhmm. I wanna watch a movie," I mumble. Beckett laughs, and I frown as the vibrations in his chest move my head. Grabbing the remote, Beckett switches on the TV and lands on Bring It On. I snatch the remote away from him before he can change it. He rolls his eyes before nestling his face into my hair. I little while later Ms. Helsweel walks in with a tray of lemonade and sandwiches. She smiles when she sees Beckett and I mouth a thank you because I'm pretty sure Beckett is asleep. Once she leaves, I begin poking Beckett.
"Your mom made us food," I tell him. His eyes snap open and he sits straight up causing me to fall onto the ground in a heap. I let out a disgruntled 'mmmph' from the floor, and I can tell Beckett is trying not to laugh.
"I'm sorry V," he says, pulling me back up onto his lap. I glare at him as I take a sandwich and shove it into my mouth, returning my gaze to the movie.
"Don't be mad," Beckett protests. I shove the last part of my sandwich into his mouth.
"There wasn't any homework today right?" I ask.
"We had an English packet, but we finished it at lunch," Beckett replies. I nod.
"What time is it?" I ask again.
"Almost eleven," Beckett tells me.
"I'm really tired," I announce, leaning back into him.
"Me too," Beckett nods in agreement, "You should probably go home soon," he says as I close my eyes. I don't really remember how we ended up laying down, but it's comfy.

I open one eye and the first thing I notice is the clock on the wall reading 6:00. The second thing I notice is my head moving up and down in synch with Beckett's chest. The third thing I notice is the blanket, now draped over us, probably put there by Ms. Helsweel. I mentally groan.
"Beckett. Beckett. We have to be at school in an hour and a half," I say, poking his face. Beckett opens an eye.
"I don't wanna," he grumbles, pulling me back to him. I roll my eyes.
"C'mon," I say, rolling off him and pulling him up with me. I walk groggily to his bedroom.
"Morning Ms. Helsweel," I say as I pass the kitchen. Once I get to his room, I begin opening random drawers until I find a random jacket and the change of clothes I left here from the last time this happened. Beckett walks into the room as I walk into the bathroom to change.
"Mom said she's leaving in ten so I can drive us to school," Beckett says through the door. An hour later, Beckett pulls up in the school parking lot and I jump out of the car, heading towards the picnic table we always meet up at in the quad. Beckett quickly catches up to me and laces our fingers together.
"Nice jacket, V," Sasha smirks when we walk up to them. Beckett has a self satisfied expression as well. I frown.
"You fell asleep at his house again didn't you?" C asks with a grin. I look down at the too big jacket draped around me. Beckett's old lettermen's jacket. I blush.
"Shut up," I grumble as I sit down.
"I can't believe Helsweel lets you and Beckett sleep together," C says, scrunching up her face.
"Stooop! That sounds so bad!" I groan in embarrassment.
"You love it," Beckett smirks, draping his arm around me.
"So not helping," I tell him.
"Whatever, you two are the cutest," Jenna says.
"Hi guys! V, did you fall asleep at Beckett's house again?" Mindy asks, sitting down at the table. I groan, Beckett smirks, and C, Sasha, and Jenna burst out laughing.
"Was it something I said?" Mindy asks, looking confused. I groan again, trying to cover my already red face. This is going to be such a long day.

Word Count: 726

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