Tin Soldiers and Cake Eaters

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Point toes, extend back, raise head, I think to myself as Beckett lifts me into the air. In the back, I hear the door to the studio open and I know Miles just entered. Beckett places me gently on the ground and we turn to face Miles.
"Hey V. Beckett," Miles says awkwardly, setting down his guitar. Beckett nods his head in acknowledgment. Ugh. What is wrong with these boys I think, rolling my eyes.
"Okay! You know what would be cool? If my boyfriend and my friend who is a boy could get along! So, Miles is going to play his guitar, and Beckett is going to rehearse this dance with me because IMADs are in a week and a half, and, boys, I want to win!" I announce, clapping my hands together. This kicks the boys into action, Miles immediately grabs his guitar and I drag Beckett into the middle of the floor. I swear, these boys are like lost puppies.
"Let's take it from 'no broken hearts'" I decide. Miles nods and strums an intro. Pirouette, arabesque, lift. Turn, relevé, firebird. We continue to rehearse until we're able to run through the entire piece.
"Okay, so, I contacted some of the art students and arranged for our backdrop to be made, they said they could get it done by this Wednesday since the concept is fairly simple." Miles tells us when we stop for a water break.
"Perfect, I talked to Azadeh and she's got costumes ready for me and Beckett, we just need to go in today to try them on after this," I reply.
"Helsweel is going to work with us tomorrow during our rehearsal so we can work out the little details in our technique," Beckett adds.
"Well then we better make sure there's not much for her to fix," I say, grabbing Beckett's arm and pulling him back to the floor.
"You're insane," Beckett groans, stumbling after me.
"Right? You should see her in math class!" Miles exclaims.
"I know! And Geography? No one should know that much about tech tonic plates!" Beckett agrees.
"Oh my gosh. You two are not bonding over this," I complain.
"Aww. You love it," Beckett responds with a silly grin as he slings an arm around me.
"You're such a goof," I laugh, giving the boys another eye roll. Miles and Beckett just laugh and I give a fake pout.
"Kay, we have time to go over the routine one more time before Beckett and I have to head down to the costume department," I announce, interrupting their laughter. We run our routine through once more before calling it quits.
"See ya later Miles!" I say as we exit the studio. Beckett and Miles fist bump before Miles turns to head to the music department.
"We're friends now," Beckett explains, taking my hand in his as we begin our walk to the theater. I shake my head and smile.
"And you think I'm the insane one? You just went from hating Miles, to being his friend in like, .2 seconds," I protest as we make our way down the hall.
"Oh, I'm sorry, would you like me to go back to hating him again?" Beckett asks, raising his eyebrow and looking down at me with a smirk. I try to hold back a grin.
"Okay, that's fair," I relent, putting my hand up in mock surrender as we arrive at our destination.
"Thank you for making an effort and getting along with Miles," I say, turning completely to face Beckett. He smiles down at me.
"Does the tin soldier get rewarded for playing nice?" Beckett asks. I smile.
"In this story? Yes," I reply, standing on my tip toes and placing a kiss on his lips.
"Alright love birds, let's go," Azadeh says, opening the door we're standing in front of. I flush as she pulls Beckett and I into the costuming room.
"We can finish this later," Beckett whispers to me as he walks past me into the room. I blush again, following behind them.
"Okay, so, here we are. Based on your description of the vision you had for your project, I tried to go for simplicity," Azadeh explains, handing us each a bag containing a costume and ushering us into the changing rooms. Inside my bag is a lavender colored, two-piece. The skirt is a silky material, layered to flare out when I turn. The top piece is an illusion halter top made of the same silky material. I step out of the changing room to find Beckett in a simple, matching lavender shirt and black pants. Beckett's eyes rake over the costume and I shift uncertainly.
"Perfect!" Azadeh exclaims, walking back over to us.
"Thanks Azadeh," Beckett says, disappearing back into the changing room. I follow behind and a few minutes later, we walk out of the theater department.
"I'm so glad we got that done with," I sigh. Beckett nods in agreement.
"As long as we can nail our routine now, we're going to kill it at the IMADs," he agrees with a grin.

Word Count: 853

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