Play It Cool

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I sit in the empty studio, waiting for Miles and Beckett to show up for our practice time. I had arrived fifteen minutes early, and neither had shown up yet. I hoped Beckett would show soon, I needed to figure out what was up with him. A few minutes later, the door swings open and Miles walks into the studio. I'm about to smile and greet him when I see his face. He looks as if he's not completely there. Just going through the motions.
"Miles? What's wrong?" I ask worriedly. Miles stares blankly for a moment before responding.
"I think Alya just broke up with me. Again," He tells me, his voice barely above a whisper. I jump up and immediately run over to him.
"What happened? Is she insane?" I ask incredulously. Miles almost smiles at this.
"Um. The first time she broke up with me. It was because I almost had a, a moment with Julie. I wanted to be honest with her, so I told her about it, and she left. I guess she's seen us together a lot, and you know how people are. She thinks I'm cheating on her with you," He tells me. My mouth drops,
"That is so unfair! We're in the same group for the IMADs! Of coarse we work together a lot. And the only other time we've hung outside of this is when I helped you with math, heaven forbid you pass a math test!" I exclaim. This finally brings a smile to Miles's face.
"V, calm down, it's my fault, I should have communicated with Alya better, but, I understand if you don't want to hang out with me anymore," Miles says.
"What? Why would I not want to hang out with you?" I ask. Miles looks at me.
"Have you not seen it yet?" He asks, pulling out his phone. He taps at his screen before showing me TMK's latest blog. The title reads Keaton's Kutest Kouples. Under it, the blog asks students to submit pictures of their favorite Keaton couples. I see a picture of Scarlett Dunn and her boyfriend Aiden, the DJs Jax Gardner and Kit Dunn, Sasha and Jenna even made the post. However it's the next picture that shocks me. It's not Miles and Alya. Or me and Beckett. No, the next picture on the screen is of me and Miles in math class. Miles appears to be laughing hysterically while my cheeks look flushed in what could be mistaken as a blush. Underneath the photo, the caption read, an anonymous source snapped this super cute shot of juniors Vanessa Morita and Miles Lennox during one of their classes. It has not yet been confirmed if they're a couple, but if they are, they're definitely one of Keaton's Kutest! I stare at Miles's phone for another second before looking up at him.
"Beckett is going to kill me," I announce. Miles nods in response.
"If he didn't like me before, he definitely won't like me now," he agrees.
"I have to go find Beckett before he gets the wrong idea. No way is he going to show up to this rehearsal after seeing this. Thanks Miles," I say, wrapping my arms around Miles for a quick hug. Miles hugs back and we're just pulling away when the door bangs open. I whirl around just in time to see Beckett standing in the door way before he turns back around, face void of emotion, and walks back out of the studio.
"Beckett wait," I shout, grabbing my bag and following him out into the hallway.
"Beckett please! Just listen to me!" I beg as I rush to keep up with his long strides. Beckett finally whips around and looks down at me.
"Fine. Talk," he tells me.

Word Count: 634

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