Through All the Noise

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"Sooo, Sasha told me that you and Miles went out for ice cream yesterday," C says slowly as we sit on the ground to stretch. I lean forward amd grab my left foot.
"Yeah, I asked him to go since I obviously couldn't go with Beckett. We just went as friends and it was totally ruined by Bianca and Alya anyway. How'd Sasha even find out?" I reply.
"Umm. He went, with Beckett. But he said they didn't stay," C tells me. I mentally groan. Great. Like he's ever going to let me hear the end of this. I switch positions and grab hold of my right foot and sigh.
"Honestly C, at this point, let him see it. He's not going to believe me no matter what I say, so why not let him figure it out," I say finally. Carly looks at me.
"Ok, you're probably going to hate me for saying this but, are you sure you don't have any feelings for Miles? Like at all? I mean I know you like Beckett. Obviously. But you've known Miles for like, a week and you guys got ice cream together. Like alone. It took weeks for you and Beckett to be able to even look at each other without glaring," C says.
"What are you saying?" I ask with a frown.
"Look. All I'm saying is that you and Miles actually do have a lot of chemistry. You two banter like you're a couple," C tells me.
"Don't be ridiculous C," I say brushing her words off, "Miles and I would never work out."
"Why not?" C asks.
"We're in different departments," I say.
"Less time to argue, and you could collaborate a lot," C replies.
"We barely know each other," I respond.
"Dating is all about getting to know someone better," C says.
"He's like my best friend," I argue. C glares at me.
"It would make it look like Miles and I actually did cheat on Alya and Beckett if we get together this fast," I tell her. C sighs.
"I guess that's true, but, if Beckett doesn't come around soon, think about it," C responds. I nod my head before leaning over to focus on stretching. C's words echo in my head during class. Miles is really cute I guess. And we did connect right away when we met. I shudder. I need, to stop over thinking this. He probably doesn't even like me that way. We're just friends. Totally platonic.


"Um. So Bianca told me that you and that Vanessa girl went out on a date yesterday, it's actually kinda funny," Jax announces as I open an empty sound booth. I almost wack myself with the door in suprise.
"I don't even want to know what she's saying about me," I tell Jax.
"Oh, no, see. That's where it gets funny. She thinks I'm a bad influence on you. Cause ya know, of the stuff last year," Jax says laughing.
"I didn't cheat on Alya! V and I are just friends," I protest. Jax stops laughing.
"Wait dude, are you serious? You and Veronica,"
"Vanessa," I interrupt.
"Vanessa, whatever. Aren't gonna get together?" Jax asks incredulously.
"No! I told you, we're just friends," I repeat.
"Dude you're joking. You guys totally act like a couple. You were on Keaton's Kutest Kouples," he reminds me.
"Obviously I remember. And we do not act like a couple," I say stubbornly.
"You two have nicknames for each other," Jax points out.
"Lots of friends give each other nicknames," I reply.
"You've made more of an effort to see Vanessa than Alya this year," Jax says.
"We're in an IMAD group, we have to work together," I respond.
"You've known each other for like, a week, and you already hung out with her, like, alone," Jax continues.
"She asked me to get ice cream because she couldn't go with Beckett," I defend.
"Dude you are in denial," Jax laughs. I roll my eyes.
"We're just friends. That's it Jax. She probably doesn't even like me like that anyway," I reply.
"So you're saying you do like her! You said it, no take backs!" Jax exclaims.
"Just shut up Jax," I groan.
"You're denying it now!" Jax continues.
"Alright, alright," he finally relents.

Word count: 717

Sorry for the filler chapter, not really though.
What do you think about the besties getting involved???

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