Chapter Thirty-One: Do Not Go Gentle

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            Starbucks. Attacking us in the parking lot. Kicking down the front door. The lies. The holes in his story. The reappearances. It all made sense all of a sudden, and I knew with certain clarity that the man in front of me was Aiden and Ethan’s brother. Not Christian. Other Christian.

      “Oh God,” I mumbled under my breath, turning to flee the store with Lydia in tow, the frantic pounding of my heart keeping time with the quick slap of my feet on linoleum as we hightailed it out of the mall and raced to my Jeep in the dark. The spine-chilling realization that everything Christian had said and done had been a lie hit me like a slap in the face; Gracie had been right the first time, when she’d suspected he was some sort of creep. She was right. Luckily, Quinn had already arrived at the mall, and sat waiting in her car, which was parked beside mine. There was no sign of Other Christian yet, but now I knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up. He’s not their brother. So he made all that up, came to Beacon Hills, got close to me - for what? Then I realized that part of his story could be true. Stalking. He was probably stalking me. But when did he ever see me? How did he find me?

          “What is it? What’s wrong?” Quinn shouted through the open window as I flung myself into the front seat and stepped on the pedal without hesitation. Every primal and maternal survival instinct inside of me was lit up like a Christmas tree, and the drive home was tense and quiet. I dropped Lydia off at her house, despite her protests that I shouldn’t be alone in case Christian came by; but with Quinn tailing me the whole way, I knew I was safe for the mean time.

         It wasn’t until I’d pulled onto our street that something Christian had said to me shot through my thoughts like a bullet, and I slammed on the brakes, hard.

I figured you must’ve known my brothers pretty well. So I followed you.

As I was driving away from your house, some guy asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was looking for a redhead girl, and he gave me your name.

Now I realize that you were only scared of me.

“Oh my god,” I whispered hoarsely, the horror dawning on me, as cold and unforgiving as sudden death. He knows where I live. He probably followed me home from the mall. Quickly turning in my seat, it suddenly occurred to me that Quinn should have honked or come to my window when I’d slammed on my brakes twenty feet away from the house. Peering out at my sideview mirror, I swallowed hard when I saw that Quinn’s car wasn’t behind mine. In fact, there were no other cars on the entire street. It’s just a coincidence, Chris. Don’t overreact. With shaking hands, I restarted the Jeep and pulled into the driveway, praying that the pack was home. Somebody. Anybody. I’d even be happy to see Brooke at this point. 

          “Hello?” I called loudly as I came through the front door, my feet hitting the hardwood floors of the hallway with a sharp sound as I shed my jacket and purse, my shopping bags forgotten in the back of the car. “Anybody home?”

“Derek?” I tried again, my voice growing louder and more desperate with each shout. “Quinn? Usher? Anybody?” 

But I was met only with silence, and the hard knot of fear that had been forming in my stomach since I’d met Real Christian grew exponentially. It’s okay, Chris. It is a Friday night after all. It’s not unusual for the pack to be out partying. But it was unusual for all of them to be gone. At the same time. At the very least, I’d expected Cash or Axel to be here; they hardly ever left the house, especially for social reasons. Or Derek. Derek should be here.

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