Teen Wolf 3x22 Rant

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HOLY CRAP TEEN WOLF WAS SO GOOD LAST NIGHT!!! I just watched it and OH MY FUCK (pardon my language!) I'm SO fucking happy that Stiles is back! Like I don't think I've ever cried so much for a scene that wasn't even sad in a TV show…when Lydia said "Stiles is human, but he's still a part of your pack", I cried. When Scott roared and Stiles turned to look at him in surprise, I cried. When Stiles knocked over the game and woke up, I cried. And the best scene of all, when they unraveled the nogitsune and it was Real Stiles…I sobbed my little baby eyes out, no shame. Even though I've loved the whole "psychological thriller thing" that Teen Wolf has had going on this season, I've REALLY missed Stiles. Real Stiles, Funny Stiles, Comic-Relief Stiles...not creepy murderous evil Stiles. Also, even though nothing really came out of it, I really liked how the various werewolves got momentarily "influenced" by the nogitsune flies. I know they weren't possessed or anything, but it was cool to see their true feelings come to light. Who knew Isaac hated the twins so much!? Lol Wow.

             Also, I think it's so funny how Season 3B ended with all of those flies coming out of the nematon and we were all like "big whupp, what a terrible season finale! no cliffhanger! ugh! just stupid flies!" And now they turn out to be havoc-wreaking little bastards. Boy do I feel stupid. 

 And now that we're down to the last two episodes of this season, you can bet your ass I am stocking up on tissues for next Monday! These last episodes are gonna be AMAZING and I can't can't wait. Please comment and share any other thoughts you guys had on the episode! Thanks! xoxo

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