Chapter Ten: Kill Or Be Killed

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                  That night, I remained seated rigidly on the couch, eyes trained on the door, waiting for them to arrive. Because inevitably, they would. Cora had made sure of that.

“I’m sorry, Chris, but it was the only way. You know Derek will find a way to save you, we all will! I just...I couldn’t let another one of our pack members die,” Cora beseeched me, over and over again, while Monica lay curled up on the chair beside me, silent and miserable. Even though I didn’t blame her in the least, I knew I was coming off that way. I knew she felt guilty, responsible. But yet I’m still the one who belongs  to Deucalion now. What does that even mean? Will he take me to their home? Make me work for them? Kill me?

                 When the door burst open, both Cora and I leapt to our feet, expecting to see Deucalion and Kali, maybe even the twins. Instead, it was Isaac who charged inside, eyes glowing. We’d left the entire apartment dark, save for the light from the microwave in the kitchen and the natural light filtering in from the darkening sky in the windows, so it was difficult to figure out it was Isaac who had arrived.

 “Where-what-they’re not here yet?” he panted, stopping by Monica’s chair and bending to lace his arms around my shoulders carefully. Isaac had been my friend for a long time now, and even though I trusted him with my life, I didn’t want him to be here. I didn’t want him reporting to Derek how I gave myself over to Deucalion. In fact, I didn’t want Derek to know any of this. But he will. In less than forty hours, he will be here. And he will know everything.

“They’re coming,” I mumbled darkly, pulling my sweatshirt down farther on my wrists and hugging my arms around my body. I was scared; there was no denying that. The Alphas terrified me, even though I knew Aiden would be there. He wouldn’t let them hurt me, not badly at least. But the sheer idea of being under the control of Deucalion, who scared the pants off of everybody, including brought goosebumps to my skin. It brought back my old nightmares of glowing red eyes and bloody bodies, from when Peter was Alpha. It brought back everything I’d ever hated about werewolves. Everything I’d kept from Derek.

“Nope...they’re already here,” Isaac growled, his claws shooting out as he stalked in front of me and Monica protectively. Cora let out a hiss as well, her eyes glowing ice blue as she joined Isaac’s side and prepared  to fight the Alphas. Foolishly, I threw off the blanket around my legs and stepped in front of both of them, unable to say anything as the front door shattered from the impact of Kali’s foot, and the Alphas arrived. Isaac and Cora both lunged forward, pushing me back as they fought off Kali. I flinched when her razor-sharp toenails whipped mere inches away from my face, and somebody’s arms hastily pulled me back. 

“What do you think you’re doing? Let Kali beat them. She won’t kill them,” Aiden’s low voice whispered in my ear, and I suddenly realized he wasn’t just holding onto me for my safety; he was restraining me.

“Are-you-fighting-with them?” I hissed as I struggled in his grasp, thrashing my legs out and gyrating my arms, all to no avail. Aiden had betrayed me, and my trust; he’d promised he and Ethan wouldn’t stand by Kali, but here they were.

“Of course not. We’re just here to make sure you don’t get seriously hurt.”

                    Tears prickled my eyes as I watched Isaac and Cora get the crap beat out of them. Kali slashed Cora across the face with her claws, knocking Isaac across the loft at the same time. But never one to give up, Cora threw herself back at Kali, hissing and swiping with her own claws, but with one well-placed kick to the stomach that ripped open Cora’s guts, Kali took her down. Cora’s blood sprayed from wall-to-wall, showering over me and Aiden, as well as Deucalion and Ethan who stood in the corner of the room, waiting. Deucalion tapped his cane lightly on the ground, the pleased smirk on his face sending currents of fury through my veins, and I struggled in Aiden’s hold once more.

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