Chapter Five: Desires

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                     Aiden’s warm lips pressed against mine gently, his mouth hesitating as I leaned into it further and allowed one of his hands to brush against the side of my face. Wait. What am I doing? This is Aiden. Not Derek. Aiden. I jumped back with a small scream, literally ripping my face out of Aiden’s grasp and staggering backwards, my feet sliding around on the metal bleachers underneath me. Nearly falling in my haste to get away from him, I dashed down the steps and ran a frenzied path from the lacrosse field to Derek’s black Camaro, parked in the front of the parking lot. My head was pounding in time with my heart as I tried to calm my racing pulse, but I couldn’t. I can’t believe I just...I just kissed Aiden. I cheated on Derek. Again. Oh my god, what is wrong with me?!


I looked up, releasing the hair that was balled up in my sweaty fists as Derek approached me, eyebrows furrowed with concern. His bottom lip had a small bit of blood on the outer corner, which he licked away as his arms came around me and pulled me against him instinctively. I curled into his embrace, guilt tearing my heart into shreds.

“What’s wrong? You look worried.”

“, I-I’m fine,” I muttered, sliding into the passenger seat and motioning for Derek to do the same, which he did with a suspicious quirk of a smile. Starting the car, we rode along in silence until we got to the apartment. I kept my eyes trained out the window, struggling to push back the roaring of my conscience. Nothing happened. You let him kiss you, but then you stopped it. Derek doesn’t really need to know, does he? But I knew in my heart that he did.

                          When we got into the apartment, I was fully prepared to explain everything to Derek. Shrugging off my coat and shoes, I fell onto the couch with a heavy sigh and patted the seat beside me for Derek.

“Derek, I-”

“No, let me go first, Chris. There’s something I have to tell you, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it sooner. I was hoping it would go away,” Derek cut me off, taking a seat next to me and lacing his fingers through mine. Taken aback, I nodded for him to go on.

“What is it?” 

“Well, you remember my mother’s friend down in Texas, the one who helped Erica?”


“Well now he needs my help. There’s some sort of sacrificial voodoo going on in his pack, and he doesn’t know how to stop it. Fortunately, I do.” Derek rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his other one, looking down at the cushion as he spoke.

“ long will you be gone?” I asked quietly, scootching closer to my fiancé.

“I’m not sure. It shouldn’t take more than two weeks, but it could. I’m sorry, Chris.”

“No, don’t be sorry! I’m proud of you for going to help them,” I cried, wrapping my arms around Derek’s broad shoulders and holding onto him tightly. I felt even worse now that Derek said he was leaving; I couldn’t have him leave knowing that I kissed Aiden! He’d think we were hooking up behind his back. He’d never trust me again. No. I’ll tell him when he gets back. 

“Thank you, baby. Unfortunately, I have to leave tomorrow.”

“What?!” I exclaimed, sitting back and regarding Derek incredulously.

“Yeah, I forgot to mention that part.”

“Why did you wait until now to tell me?”

“I guess I just didn’t want to ruin the tranquility we’ve had these past few days,” Derek responded softly, pulling me against his chest again. I curled up, bridal style, in his arms, straining my neck upwards so I could kiss him. Derek’s lips washed away the bitter taste of my betrayal, but didn’t erase it. We spent the rest of the night watching TV on the couch, occasionally kissing but mostly just cuddling and talking. I revelled in Derek’s strength and warmth and the irrevocable feeling of protection I felt in his embrace; although I didn’t admit it to him, I was scared to be left without Derek for so long.

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