Teen Wolf 3x13 Rant

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OMG...this episode...was just...too much for me. Like, I can't even understand how the show got creepier and more confusing than 3A, but it did. A lot. 

So let's just jump right into it...the beginning of the epiosde gave me chills. The inception was too real, with all of the amount of times Stiles woke up and thought it was for real and then realized he was still dreaming and then woke up and so on. For a second, they almost had me thinking Stydia had actually become a thing over the hiatus and I almost weeped. Unfortunately, no dice :( I felt so bad for all of them (Stiles, Scott, and Allison) in this episode, but mainly Stiles. I mean, the guy is basically losing his frickin mindAlthough Kate Argent was freaking me the fuck out as well. 

Speaking of Allison, I could not stand the Isaac-Allison shipping in this episode (no judgement/offense to those of you who ship them) but I did really enjoy the Scott-Isaac scenes haha. And Melissa is just too cute, I love her so much! Their little family is adorable beyond belief. But when we thought Allison and Isaac had actually hooked up and then it turned out they didn't, WHAT THE FUCK ALLISON HAD THE KNIFE?! Ahhh I don't even know what to think about that. 

On another (totally unrelated point), I would like to share something with all of the Vampire Diaries watchers out there reading this right now. ***SPOILER ALERT: IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ALL OF THE EPISODES/SEASONS OF THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, DO NOT READ THIS NEXT PARAGRAPH!!!!! DO. NOT. READ. SPOILER. ALERTS. If you do watch, then please proceed and I hope you appreciate what I realized. ****

Okay so there was a lot of parallels in this episode with the Vampire Diaries, and it makes me kind of mad, but also kind of pleased. When Scott said "We did die and come back to life - it's gotta have some side effects right?" I was like BITCH YOU SHOULD'VE LEARNED FROM JEREMY GILBERT. Lol its basically the same storyline as when Jeremy died and Bonnie brought him back to life in Season 2 and was "warned there would be consequences" and then Jeremy starts seeing ghosts. It's not hallucinating-dead-relatives-and-sleep-paralysis but it's still pretty damn close. But seriously, who honestly thinks that dying and coming back to life WONT have consequences??? Lol. Also, another (smaller) comparison was the scene with the new history teacher (similar to Alaric) and then Scott looked over at that girl the same way Stefan did to Elena ;) Anyway, I just thought that was interesting! 


Oh my god, was I the only one who was completely shocked to find that Deaton had the answer to their craziness problems?? Oh wait, I must have been because DEATON FUCKING KNOWS EVERYTHING. Hahah seriously though, this guy is like God. He's almighty and all-knowing Deaton. The whole "door a jar" riddle took me about thirty minutes to comprehend, however. It does make sense though and now I'm anticipating a season full of "trying to close that door". Ooh. 

On a side note: who else watches The Originals and recognized the Tate father as the priest guy??? YES YES YES

Okay this whole "Malia Tate" mystery murder storyline had me very confused. Like, at first I thought it might be significant cuz maybe Stiles' mom had been a "previous case" or something, but then I remembered that she died in the hospital so that was out. And then I thought maybe Derek had been the werewolf that killed the Tate family and hopefully that would bring my baby back to Beacon Hills (more on Derek later). And then I thought that maybe Malia was still alive! Fortunately, this one seemed to be correct, if the second-to-last scene is any indication. But how did Scott possibly know that that wolf was Malia?? If I'm not mistaken, any werewolf could have grey fur and bright blue eyes. Since I didn't see MALIA TATE carved into her flesh or anything, I'm just gonna leave that until next monday. Also, who else thought that maybe the girl Kiera from school was gonna turn out to be that wolf?! I highly suspected that. 

But seriously, who the hell is this girl?? Like it's plainly obvious that she's going to be a new love interest for Scott, but how did she know what they were talking about? And why wasn't she freaking out that they came back to life? And why werent they freaking out that she knew their secret (or some of it anyway)? And why wasnt' anybody questioning her knowledge??? Too many questions surrounding her for me to completely trust her or ship her with Scott yet, but I like her enough. Her introduction was funny lol. 

Also, I FUCKING HATE SCOTTS DAD. LIKE FUCK HIM FOR TRYING TO GET THE SHERIFF FIRED. THE SHERRIF IS A GREAT GREAT MAN AND HE'S DAMN GOOD AT HIS JOB CONSIDERING BEACON HILLS JUST LITERALLY BECAME A BEACON FOR SUPERNATURAL TROUBLE. I loved when Melissa said "be your own anchor" to Scott; I thought that was so genius and brilliant and just wonderful wonderful advice for a mom to say to their child. Kudos, Melissa. 

Who else thought it was a really funny throwback to the pilot when Scott and Stiles went looking for a dead body?? Lol except instead of Scott falling down a hill, his phone took the hit instead. I really loved season one, but a damn lot has changed since then and I like it. 

Okay, now finally I want to talk about Derek and Peter. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG THERE AREN'T WORDS TO DESCRIBE THE STROKE ON TOP OF THE ANEURISM ON TOP OF THE HEART FAILURE THAT I HAD WHEN WE SAW THEM AT THE VERY END, BEING TORTURED A-LA-KATE ARGENT STYLE. HOLY FUCKING SHIT MAN! MY HALE BABIESSSSSS!! I cannot fucking believe that Jeff Davis is still after Derek when he already went through hell and back in 3A. Although I'm super super curious about several things:

1) WHO is torturing them?! 

2) WHY is it Peter's fault?!

3) WHERE is Cora?! 

4) WHY didn't Derek leave town like he said he did?!

5) WHO is going to save my husbands?!!?! 

Okay guys, that is all for tonight. Again, I apologize for any offenseive language I might have (definitely did) use in this rant - it is just that: a rant. I let my emotions (and fingers on my keyboard) run free and rampant and just write what I'm feeling. I hope all of you are having a smashing New Year so far, and I'm terribly sorry I couldn't watch on Monday night! I'm taking exams and I have a crap ton of studying to do. I actually should be studying tonight for my math exam tomorrow but Teen Wolf > Math soo...haha. Thanks for reading guys and PLEASE respond in whatever way you want/say whatever you want in the comments below! I will absolutely not take offense if you completely disagree with what I say! As long as you don't insult me directly (although maybe you can do that just a little bit and I won't be upset ;) ) Thanks! Catch ya guys next monday for Episode 14 ahhhh :o xoxoxo

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