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Ayano's POV;

I was running with my sister away from everyone else and then we suddenly stopped and I saw a fruits stand. I then walk over and then say, "Hello how much for that weird looking fruit?" The person running the stand then says, "Well this one fruit is one the house! Please take it!" I take it and then eat the fruit and then I start feeling weird and faint. 

Aki's POV;

We were leaving the really colourful fruit stand when my sissy dropped to the ground and next thing you know I hear words that don't even make sense! I then see that it's just her clothes and when I move them I am meant with a purple haired, green-eyed baby in a diaper. I realized what happened and picked up the baby and then the guy from the stand then says, "When she says her first actual word like a name correctly then she will turn back to an adult.  I then run back to the class 1-A and once they see the baby they put the pieces together and then they say, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SISTER?!" I then explained what happened and how to break the whatever this was. 

Then all of a sudden she started crying and then I handed her to Todoroki and she was STILL crying! Todoroki then handed her to Izuku-Kun and then she was about to start crying but when she saw his hair, she immediately calmed down and tried to play with his hair but sadly she couldn't so she started hitting and kicking him and then Jiro tried to take her away but my now little sister clung onto Izuku-Kun's shirt so he then took her and put her on his shoulders and she started playing with his hair.

Izuku's POV;

Why does this little baby like me?! I then hear this, "Fwuffy pwllow!" I laugh a little and then we start walking everyone home first with Mr Aizawa, Aki and Miss. Shoto but when she noticed she was leaving her entire body turned into a fire! I look at her until Mr Aizawa uses his quirk to deactivate hers but when they got in the crying stopped and then we all looked through the windows and saw her playing with cats.

Anyways we all arrive home and then my mom comes up to me and then hugs me while saying, "Izuku... Please be safe stop going to those creepy circuses!" I nod my head and then say, "I'm not going to them for fun I go to them to save Miss. Shoto every single time mom." She then looks at me and then says, "I'm sorry! I didn't know but when will I be able to meet this 'Miss. Shoto' That you keep telling me about?" I look at her and stop hugging and then say, "When she wants to I guess..." 

She nods her head and then also stops hugging me but then says, "Well like always know that I'm proud of what you have become, son." I look at her and then I walk off to my room where I go to bed. When I wake up I do my morning routine and also get dressed in my school uniform. I then run off to school and when I do I hear this, "Fwuffy!" Then someone put her on my shoulders and when I see who it was it was Mr Aizawa who has put the girl in a huge oversized dress. He looks at me very tired and then says, "Please make her say something today!" I nod my head and head to class.

When I arrive to class I then hear the little Miss. Shoto on my back says, "Broccoli-kun!" I then feel something heavy on my shoulders and then something fall off my shoulders and when I look behind me I see the 14-year-old Miss. Shoto laying on the ground in a bored look. She then says, "What am I wearing and why was I on your shoulders?" I look at her and then tell her, "Well you ate a fruit that turned you into a baby and the only way not to make you cry is by playing with my hair so that's also why you where on my shoulders and Mr Aizawa put you in that dress when you still were a baby and it's also a little short Miss. Shoto." She looks down and then runs off. 

After a while, we still didn't see Miss. Shoto until ten minutes after attendance and then she comes running in the run with her school uniform and runs to my desk and then plays with my hair and then says, "Well I mean your hair is pretty fluffy if I say so myself... Mr Midoriya." I then see everyone look at me until Miss. Shoto puts my hair up in two imaginary pigtails and then she bolts out of the classroom. I then start doing my work when I then hear this from down the hall, "WHAT ARE YOU THREE IDIOT'S DOING HERE?!"

 I then start laughing and so does the rest of the class cause we all know that is Miss. Shoto screaming at, Haru, Yuuto, Mizuko, and Leo. I then hear this, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY SHOTO-CHAN!" That's when all you could hear was laughter man you gotta love that Rescue class. Well, today is going to be a very interesting day I guess. We then hear this too, "LEO/HARU/YUUTO/MIZUKO-SENPAI!" We then hear running and a laughing voice who was  Miss. Shoto we then hear another voice scream, "AYANO SHOTO GO HELP THE BOYS OR YOU GET A F! We then hear this also, "ON IT MA'AM!" And footsteps bolting down the hall. Like I said earlier; Gotta love that rescue class. 

Author's note;

A-Chan; Well this chapter was something *Sweatdrops* Well see you next ti---



Aki; Until next time bye. *Waves*


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