Clowns Suck.

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Izuku's POV;

It's been three months since that letter and those clues but nothing since they have been quiet until today when a woman with a clown suit barges in who has purple hair green eyes and clown makeup she then screams, "COME AT ME TODOROKI-KUN!~" We then hear a voice that then says, "Oh darling be patient..." We then see Jokester there having a hand around the woman's wrist and then she pouts and then he says, "Oh tell me that you guys already forgot your lovely Miss. Shoto...?" We all then have shocked faces and Aki who was there today then screams, "SISSY I MISSED YOU WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Miss. Shoto then looks at Jokester and then says, "You didn't tell me that I had a little sister waiting for me Jokester! You told me that she gave up on me Jokester!" She then pulls out a knife and puts it up to Jokesters' neck.

He then says, "My, My dear. One of these guys is the reason I took you in the first place though." She then looks at him with a deadly glare and then she activates her water and fire quirks and then starts hitting him like crazy until she then summons lot's of daggers and then she hits him in one move and he is laying there with a bloody body and then she looks at him and grins but then she turns to us and then says with the biggest smile ever, "Now where's my little sister?" Aki then ran up to her and then says, "Sissy why do you look like mommy?" She then has a shadow over her eyes and then says, "None of your concern yet Aki."

Aki then pulls her in a hug but then we hear a whine and then Aki says, "What did he do to you." She smiles and then says, "Don't worry or you'll end up like me..." But then blue diamonds and a blue glow was happening around her and then she says, "I'm so sorry Aki." She then fully disappears and then something falls and it was a single rose. Aki then looks at the rose and then says in a low voice, "I thought he was dead." We all look at her weird until a man came into the classroom who had purple hair, green eyes, tuxedo,  and a blush across his cheeks comes in. Aki then says, "Hello there father-who-we-all-thought-died-drunk-driving." He looks at her and then hugs her and whispers something to her before he disappeared like a ghost and then all of us screamed, "HE WAS A GHOST!?"

We then see Aki starting to disappear but then Uraraka runs up to her and hugs her but then Aki looks different her eyes are lifeless and she isn't hugging back. She then fully disappears and then the only thing anyone says is, "Their gone..." Then someone with bright blue hair came running in while saying, "Clowns Suck." We look in the hall to see tons of jokes, checker designs, and simple designs on the walls until I look at a note that says, 

Help protect the circus

We need you to help us also we

Need some cloth So, please 

Help! - Shoto Clowns

Wait that spells Help we need help! I then tell the others and then we head out but we are so sorry but then again how are we going to find them... We are coming we promise! I will rescue you again Ayano I promise and I will not break that promise this time!

Later at the Circus; We were watching the two young Shoto's preform and their eyes where dark blue like their moms so I watch them perform until Mrs Shoto comes out and then says,

 "Please come again and also if you must know I am Trick Master but I retired a few years back and these are my two beautiful children now have a good rest of your night and if you would like to meet my two girls after this you can they will be at the front! Okay, now good night!" 

We all then leave and then Kacchan says, "They were totally being controlled you could tell because of their eyes." Everyone agrees and then Jiro says, "I need to make the two shoto's so embarrassed that they break the controlling can any of you do that?" Uraraka nods and so does Todoroki and Bakugo and I also nod. Jiro then says, "Okay since they are wearing pretty short skirts I need Uraraka to make them float in the air but before that, I need Bakugo and Todoroki to burn them a little okay? and then Midoriya since they both think of you very positively I need you to kiss their cheeks got it now go!" We did ad planned and me kissing their cheeks was just weird! But then Uraraka made them float and I saw Aki's normal shade of blue and her pulling her shirt down and then I saw Miss. Shoto basically fainted because of embarrassment.

 Uraraka then slowly floats them down and then Todoroki held Miss. Shoto and I carried Aki when we left the circus, Miss. Shoto woke up and then says, "Wh-where a-are w-we?" She didn't leave Todoroki's arms and then Todoroki then says, "Can you please walk on your own now?" She looks at him very embarrassed and then grabs Aki from me and starts carrying her and then I noticed that Miss. Shoto didn't have eye bags for once?! I then ask, "Why don't you have eyebags?" She then smiles at me and then says, "I guess I finally got enough sleep for once." She then starts running off and we start chasing her well today was a great day and like I promised,

I saved you

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