Support Group

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Ayano's POV;

I was walking to the school because today's a new day but I have to admit I'm a little sad... but I don't know why... Oh well, I'll make it! I then run all the way to the support class and I only see four other kids. I then sit down at one of the desks and then a kid with  bight blue hair and bright blue eyes walks up to me and then says, "My name is  Mizuko I'm a water user and also can hear things very well with my fish ears." I look at him and then say, "M-My n-name i-is Ay-Ayano Sh-Shoto! M-My q-quirks a-are wa-water, f-fire a-and i-iron m-manipulation..." He stares at me wide eyes until finally saying, "Wait you're the girl that beat all the teachers right!" I shale my head and he then says, "That's so cool! Can you help me with my water quirk?!" I shake my head, yes and he then starts jumping up and down well having a huge smile... I wonder how class 1-A is doing...

Izuku's POV;

I arrive in the classroom and immediately look at Miss. Shoto's desk and see that it's empty I then sigh and then confirm that yesterday wasn't a dream. I then sit at my desk and then the bell rings. Mr Aizawa walks in and then says, "Okay class today we will be having a meet up with the rescue kids to learn a lesson from them." I then perk up a bit and then I realize that the day is still early and lunch is nowhere near! Anyways I then listen to the class until we got to the topic of wielding three quirks... That's when everyone realized how much we all missed Miss. Shoto in our class and It's only been an hour. Mr Aizawa then realized his mistake and started teaching us math and let's just say that you will hear from me at lunch this class is kinda boring.

time skip------Lunch--------

It was now time for lunch and I sat at my table and then everyone then says, "I miss, Miss. Shoto..." We all than hear a boom and when we think It's Miss. Shoto it wasn't it was Todoroki and Kacchan fighting... Man today is kinda boring. We all eat our fabulous lunch made by lunch rush and then head to boring old class but when we all sit down I see, Green hair, Bright Blue hair, Galaxy Hair, Bubblegum pink Hair I then look closer and see that it is Miss. Shoto! Then 13 comes in and then says, "Okay so these are my students of rescue! As you may know, these students are in this course because of a personal reason. Now let me introduce them. The One with Bright Blue hair is Mizuko his quirk of water manipulation. Green Hair is Haru his quirk is making plants and vines. Galaxy Hair Leo quirk is portal creation. BubbleGum pink hair is Yuuto his quirk is Shielding and invisibility and finally, we have----" We all scream, "AYANO SHOTO! QUIRKS ARE FIRE CREATION, WATER MANIPULATION AND IRON MANIPULATION!" 13 then looks at us like we are insane... And so are all the boys too... I look over at Miss. Shoto and see her blushing so much that the colour crimson is put to shame. We all start laughing until Mr Aizawa then says to 13 and the group of boys, "She used to be part of this class and even though it's only been a few hours they miss her." They all nod in understanding, but we all were still laughing until we heard two voices say but one was quieter than say, "Water blast!" We all then are drenched... We all look to see who did that and see...

That Mizuko kid and Ayano with an evil smirk on their faces and then Mizuko then says, "Can we please now talk about rescue and support now?" We all nod our heads yes and then they both go to really happy voices and of course Miss. Shoto studdering every single time she had to speak and by the end of it Leo then says, "We will now get going to class 1-B but it was nice talking to you---" Then the Bright Blue haired boy cut him off by saying, "It was nice meeting you guys and also we----" He then got cut off by Haru by saying, "We should get go----" Then he got cut off by Yuuto saying, "Hope to talk to you---" But then all their heads got smashed together and see a really mad Miss. Shoto standing there and then she says, "O-Okay B-bye s-see y-you l-later!" I then heard her mumble, "Those four boys are idiots." They all then left and then 13 says, "Okay now we got to go and also stay super also Aizawa you have AKI! I'M NOT TAKING CARE OF HER AGAIN!" I then heard Mr Aizawa sigh and then he says, "Okay class go to you---" He then looks at the ground and then sees a piece of paper that is folded. He then opens it and then says, "Miss. Shoto drew a photo of us and it's from a week ago!" He then passes around the photo and when it gets to me I'm speechless... 

Man, now I miss her even more now

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Man, now I miss her even more now...

Haru's POV; (Ayano; No change it!    A-Chan; TO WHAT?!     Ayano; To Idiot #3!     A-Chan- Fine)

Idiot #3's POV;

We were walking from all our meetings into our classroom and Shoto-Chan was well how do I say this redder than red itself... I then look at her again and notice that she is panicking badly. I then walk up to her and then say, "What are you panicking for?" She then says, "Well I had an art piece of class 1-A but I think I dropped it somewhere and now I'm scared that if someone finds it they will laugh at it and then give it to class 1-A saying that they made it!" I then put my hands on her shoulders and then say, "Don't worry we will find it okay and also did you put yourself in the picture?" She then shakes her head no and then I say, "Then they will know you drew it because or else they won't exept it because you aren't in it and if you give it to them or they find it then they will know it's from you okay?" She shakes her head in agreement and then we sit at our desks... Well today was interesting maybe tomorrow will be even more awesome Who knows?

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