, "the pack it's yours,"

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I gained back control as Alex fell asleep I pushed him to the back of my mind, it was already to late. He had marked Lina as his own. She laid fats asleep on my chest her breathing steady unaware of what I did to her.

I said, she would soon wake up with the full moon gone and be even more attached to me. Once she found out what I did to her she's going to hate me. I silently groaned and looked at the digital clock that lied on the night stand next to my bed. It read, 3:40 A.M. the sun would start to rise around seven or eight.

Until then I was stuck, unable to move. I was definitely not going to sleep anytime soon, so I laid awake. Then at long last the sun had risen and the moon was no longer in the sky. I ever so carefully slipped out of bed and into the bathroom.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and cringed in horror. Bags laid under my eyes, and they were blood shot red. Turning on the shower, I make sure it on cold then hop.

Hopping out twenty minutes later tying a towel around my waste and draping another over my shoulders. I quietly open the bathroom door, Lina was still fast asleep. Throwing on some pants I ditched my shirt, I was just going to sweat any way.

I opened the bed room door and walked out leaving the door cracked open. I went down the hall to my office pushing the door open to see Paiten sitting at the desk. I smiled, "glad to see your back and recovering," he stood up and shook his head.

"I'm not back, but recovering yes," he walked up to me and I gave him a curious glance.

"What do you not back?" I questioned.

"Jonathan the last time I saw you, you were a player sleeping with half the school," I frowned and he smiled, "You went to school when you wanted, you smoked when you want, you did what you want when you wanted. You simply didn't have a care in the world.
And now, we'll look at you," he held his hands up gesturing towards me.

"I have a fine body I know, but what does that have to do with anything?" Paiten shook his head as I smirked.

"Your doing amazing taking care of the back by yourself. Can't you see I'm not needed. I don't want to be needed," I shook my head as he nodded head, "the pack it's yours," he shook my hand and patted me on the shoulder about to make his leave before I stopped him.

"What? No!" You can't just have one bad experience and say you don't want to be alpha anymore!" I turned around and blacked the door. Without a doubt I was taller than Paiten him standing at 6"0 and me standing at 6"5. He looked up at me.

"Jonathan can't you see? Your doing better than I eve could. I was never meant to be alpha. You were. I'm just the runt," I shook my head.

"Paiten Your fist born you were meant to be alpha! It's your birth right!" I pushed his chest and he stumbled back.

"Your taller than me, stronger than me, and have more power than me! How does that make sense. I've always know you were going to over power em and take the pack by force, but I'm handing it to you!" I shook my head.

"I never wanted the pack! I want freedom! That's all I ever wanted power, being alpha has no hold over me!" He pushed past me and yards the door.

"Sex, money, drugs, you were bound to get tired of the distraction sooner or later. The distractions I provided for you, don't you get it? I've always be jealous envious of you, but now I just want to be left in peace. With no responsibilities," and with that he walked out of the room.

I walked over to the desk and let my hands fall on it. Leah walked in looking at the door behind her, "you idiot! I told you to stay away from her didn't I!?" She pointed an accusing finger at me. I slouched down in the chair.

"I did! I told you I warned you this would happen!" I couldn't take her snappy tone when I finally growled.

"ENOUGH! You will treat your Alpha! I'm sick and tired of everyone pointing fingers and snapping at me whenever they want! I've had enough!" Leah looked at me wide eyed.

"Your not alpha! As long as Paiten's back all control falls back to him! So you can get your head out of your ass and stop being an asshole!" I shook my head and swiped everything off the table it falling to the floor.

"Patient is handing all control of the pack over to me, and if you don't like it then you can leave! Leave us, leave the pack," I walked out of the room and left a startled Leah behind. Running into yeh forest I shifted needing to blow off some steam.

I refused to give Alex back control as he only had on thing on his mind. Even as he tried to convince me I just needed to rest, time to think. I pushed him back and ran circles around the pack. I must've at least ran a hundred before I stopped. I was dehydrated and starving.

Going back to the fully renovated pack house I pulled out a gallon of water and a box of cold pizza. I started munching down letting my mind wonder. The pack house was just about empty besides for Lina sleeping at the top floor in my room, the guards stationed on every floor and me.

I finished the box of pizza then trashed the box by ripping it to pieces. Taking the last sip of the gallon I looked up at the time. This time the clock read, 9:21 A.M. training started at ten so I made my way down to the training yards attending to spare with, well, anyone.

At the training grounds I find Paiten he refused to look at me as the punched the punching bag repeatedly. I rolled my eyes an idea coming to mind, "hey brother," I approached him, "Let's spare. Like the old times. Let's show them how it's done?" He looked up at me. A few people who were lingering around waiting for trains to started stopped and starred, waiting for a reply.

"Old times?" He questioned, "you mean the times you were drunk off your ass and I had to put you in your place?" He questioned.

"If that's what you call it," I shrugged my shoulders. He held the punching bag still.

"Get your gloves on," he made his way to the ring as I grabbed my gloves. A crowed started to grow wanting to watch the duel that was about to go down.

Inside the wring we circled each other waiting for the other to throw a hit, I made the first move and threw a punch to his face. He ducked the hit and grabbed my arm twisting it behind my back I kneeled. Swinging my other arm I hooked it around his neck and flipped him on his back. I smiled down at him. The crowed watched as their "alpha" got up throwing a punch strait for my stomach.

I grabbed his hand mid air and this time I was the one twisting it behind his back, but unlike Paiten I kicked the back of his knees making him fall down, "cry uncle?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"Never," he used his free arm to take a punch and it hit me smack in the face. Stumbling back, I shook off the blow. Not wanting to take defeat I launch at my brother knocking  down I wrap my legs around his neck and hold down his legs.

"Call uncle?" He refused to tap out. I only let him go as I got a mind like from Parker.

'She's awake,'

This chapter is a bit longer than the rest . I want y'all feed back so don't be afraid to comment any mistakes I made or questions . I feel like no ones interested in the book any more . I also intend on wrapping up the book within the next five or so chapters .

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