Do you trust me?

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I changed my mind. Everything has changed now. I have made a final decision that I know there is no going back from. This has already gone to far as it is, so I could not possibly reject my Mate.

All these thoughts made their way into my mind as I was with Eva in the car to the meadow. I wanted to introduce her to the werewolf world, but little by little if even that is possible. Driving fifteen minutes into pack territory I asked a simple question, "do you believe in soul mates?"

She looked at me with curious eyes, "how could I not? They're all I ever read about."

I smile so there's hope. She know what any other human knows about my world. Let's just hope she's not on Edwards side. I shook my head at the reference from twilight. The movie Audrey had made me watch with her thousands of time.

Coming to a stop I get out the car and open the door for Eva, then open the back door and bring out the picnic basket. What I wanted to do could not be revealed to the pubic eyes.

Eva looked at the basket. She would ask a million questions, now, only if I would answer them. Taking her hand in mine I interlock our finger longing for the sparks of electricity that came with the touch. She looked down at our hands than up to me and smiled. Somehow I knew that she knew we were meant to be together.

"We're having a picnic?" She asked as we came to the clearing. Setting out the blanket I nod my head. Her smile seemed to widen as she sat down on the blanket and crossed her legs. I took a seat next to her and began to pull out the food items.

Opening a container I looked at Eva and told her to open her mouth.

"Why?" She replied.

"Do you trust me," she turned head to to the side closed her mouth and shut her eyes.

"Your one for surprises," I chuckled and plopped a fried pickle watching her expression.

"I love surprises," I answered her at last as she opened her eyes.

"I don't, and I most definitely do not like fried pickles," She scrunched her nose and I laughed. She starred at me, the grabbed a different container. Her eyes lit up.

"Your turn," I shook my head.

"You misunderstood me. I like being the suprisee not the surprised," she rolled her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" She said using my own words.

"Of course I do."

She looked taken aback as I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. She plopped a piece of grilled shrimp as expected. Weird combination of foods, But I had absolutely no idea of what she liked. Opening her eyes I see her plopping a few pieces into her mouth.

"I absolutely love sea food," she said while plopping a few more pieces in her mouth and her eyes rolling back as she dose so.

Grabbing a longer styled container I open it. Peaking her interest she looks over and squeals as I pull one out the container and plop it into my mouth, "my specialty, California rolls."

Giving her the container she takes a few then hands it back to me. I smile at her cuteness.

                   We had finally gone through all of our foods and moved on to desserts. I had apparently made all the right things, including chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels.

"I adore sweets!" She exclaimed. Seeing her happy made me happy.

"Is that why your so sweet?" I questioned. Eva blushed and stuck a strawberry in her mouth. I smiled at her reaction.

While she was busy with the newly found sweets I mind linked Audrey, 'is the plan set. We're almost ready.'

"Yes we are in position waiting for your call."

I came out the daze and stole a pretzel from Eva. Winking I took a bite of the tip. She smiled and shook her head.

"So you cook?" I nod.

"Yes, my brother taught me," she smiled.

"Your brother, I met him once?"she questioned.

"Yes you did."

"I haven't seen him in a while. Might have to visit sometime," she stoped talking and put the last strawberry in her mouth, as I thought. I really miss my brother.

"Your father. You and him don't seem close," I'm pretty sure he hates me, but after all I have my father locked up chained to the basement cell.

"We aren't," I looked at her.

"Why not, you don't have to answer if you don't want to," she shook her head.

"No it fine. My mother died in child birth due to birth defects so I don't even remember her, and my father has always been distance and is usually traveling. I have no clue why he is home now, after 17 years," she sighed.

Putting my arm around her waist I pull her closer to me. 'Audrey do it now. Don't mess anything up or you all will regret it.'

"Nothing will go wrong brother. I can reassure you that."

"Why did you ask me?" I heard Eva say.

"Why did I ask you what?"

"Why did you ask me out?" I looked down at her as her head rested on my chest.

"I genuinely like you, Evangeline," I said using her full name. Now only if I could tell her the truth. A rustling in the leaves on the other side of the meadow clearing brought us out of thought.

"What is that?" Eva asked standing up. She started to panic as it came towards us.

"It's an animal," I said standing up along with her.

"Maybe we should leave," I shook my head and started walking over the the wolf. Turning around I offered her my hand, "Jonathan I'm not playing. We should leave."

"Who said I was playing," I walked further and further away from her. She warily followed. Steps away from the wolf she freaked out.

"It's going to attack us!" The wolf stood and made its way towards her and she froze in fear.

"It won't hurt you Eva."

"How do you know?" She asked fear laced in her voice.

"Do you trust me?"

My mate. The human. (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora