Everyone will learn to fear me!

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Did she make it yet ? I mind linked the twins trying to figure out Evangeline's whereabouts. No answer, I cursed.

I was bathed in blood not my own, and not my packs but rouges blood. In five waves they came each of sixty men. They hit everywhere and were strong. Some of my pack members were badly injured and are currently in the hospital. I am currently attempting to find Evangeline.

It's my duty to stay with my pack, but now that the danger is eliminated I needed my mate.

Alpha, we got a live one! A pack member mind linked me.

Put him in the basement I'll there shortly. I walked out from the woods and to the pack house.

The pack house is a mess. A group of men worked on the front door that was smashed in, the kitchen was completely destroyed and blood lined the walls. I shook my head as I passed the woman assessing the damage of the kitchen. Walking down into the basement I saw the rouge that was tied up.

He was bloodied and bruised. Snarling at me two men held him down. I looked him in the eye, "What was y'alls motive?" My voice was dark and harsh.

He spat in my face with the little bit of strength he had left, which made one of the guys muzzle him. I smirked and turned around while wiping my face, "Do you know what the cell is?" I questioned, "this is the same cell I held my father in. The same cell I tortured him in."

I put on the black bulky gloves and ripped a piece of the purple flower off of the vine that had grown in the dark wet cell, and turned back to the guy. His eyes were on me as I walked over to him, "What was y'all motive!" I yelled in his face.

The two guys hold him down let him go and backed up. He still refused to answer not looking me in the eye. I took off the muzzle shoved the flower in his mouth and put the muzzle back on him. The sizzling of skin and his muffled scream was soon heard.

Five minutes later I take the muzzle off and spits the remainder of the flower out trembling with fear, "now I'm going to ask one more time, what was y'alls motive?" He looked up at me and laughed. 

"You think I fear you, I don't. Your father is the one I fear!" His voice was weak and scratchy.

"You will learn to fear me. Everyone will learn to fear me!" I looked at the men behind him, " bring me the metal melter and a block of silver. This struck fear in the guys eye.

Ten minutes later I had what I ordered, "tell me your motive," I asked once more. He shook his head. I sighed, "guess were doing this the hard way," I sliced his leg open with a pure silver knife then pour melting hot silver in it. His wound closed up around the silver and all you could hear was his screams.

"Ok, ok! I'll tell you whatever you want! Just get the silver out!" I smiled.

"See that wasn't so hard," I reopened the wound and scraped the silver out an excruciating process, "I want to know everything."

"Your father orchestrated the whole thing! He told us our families would be compensated after the whole ordeal was over with," I shook my head.

"What was the motive what did he want?" The man shook his head.

"He wants his pack back, he wants power again. The man is insane and power hungry, but to take his pack back he needs your weakness, your mate," I growled and he continued, "the last I heard your mate got away though!"

"Is that all?" I questioned.

"No I know where your brother is, I can lead you to him!" I shook my head and chuckled. The man was trying to hold on to his life, in one swift move I turned around and plunged my knife into his heart, "I know where my brother is."

My men stood by and watched as I did so, "burn his body and every other dead body that isn't one of our own I want twenty men on that. I want forty more scavenging the woods, our main priority is to find Evangeline. Any free body will be helping in one way or another. As for the children I want them separated if we get attacked again it will be best to not have them all under one roof, put the teens to watch them. Everyone else is to be helping to restore the pack house."

"Yes sir," they said in unison.

"Yes, Alpha," I said back they bowed their heads in respect, "get everyone doing what they're supposed to. We stop at ten, everyone will go back to their houses again it's best if everyone is spread out. As for the search team they will trade out every three hours until she is found. Now go."

They left the cell dragging the body out and I followed ahead of them. Making my way outside I sighed as the sun began to set.

Short chapter, but a lot of information! Anyway it's summer, and I'm going to camp next week! So don't expect another chapter until after next week. Sorry my dudes I promise no more camps after this one though.

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