Oh no, here we go again.

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I drove my Jeep though town with the windows down, letting the cool after storm air blow in. I hear my phone beep signaling someone just texted me. Ignoring it I concentrate on the place where I am going. The woods. They give me some piece in mind, even after all that happened In them. I like it.

Parking my car at the edge I hop off with my phone and headphone in hand. The ground is still moist from yesterday's storm and a cool breeze blows through every now and then. I make my way into the wood to my usual spot close.

Finally making it to the big stup I climb on top and look all around. The surrounding scene is quite and very pretty. I finally look over at my phone to see it was Maria that had been texting me, more like notifying me my dad will be in town next week. I shake my head knowing fully well he will be here for a day mostly sleeping.

Replying back with a "ok" I go to my music and press shuffle. Popping in the headphones I open up one of my digital books. My current read is Harry Potter in his fourth year. This has to be my all time favorite year.

The year that Lord Voltermor Rises again and yet again Harry escapes. My favorite character since book one has been Ron Weasly's little sister. She may have only been mentioned a few times, but I still love her.

A rustling in the leaves brings me out of my thought process of reading. I yank out my head phones and listen, only to hear the whimpering of a dog. I'm not much of a dog person but curiosity, as usual got the best of me. I stood up and hopped off the stump, to go check and see if the dog-If it is that- is hurt.

I make my way through the trees stepping over dead leave surely making a lot of noise. Hopefully I don't scare it away.  I past the trees to see a huge dark brow wolf. Oh no here we go again. I stood in place and frozen as the wolf just looked at me. He had a deep gash on his side and the red blood was mixing in with it's dark fur. I take a step closer and the wolf looks over in my direction again and kind of growls making me freeze in place again.

"I just wanna help," I whispered as if it could understand me. I took a step closer and it did not growl at me. At last I finally made it all the way to the wolf I bent down and looked at the cut that was pretty deep. Maybe I should take it to the vet or something?

How would I get it in my car, should I just let it pass out from blood loose? No that's mean. But, it is loosing a lot of blood.

"Stay here, as if you could understand me. I am now talking to myself," The wolf looks up at me. "I swear you probably think I'm crazy, oh but anyways, stay," I stood up and ran to my car that wasn't that far away.

Maybe I could put it in my car and then take it to the vet. I'm brilliant I know. I started to drive my car into the woods and finally made my way back to the wolf, that was still surprisingly there. Getting as close to it as I could, I hopped off the car and popped the trunk open.

"Not so brilliant now, how am I supposed to get you in the car, without you killing me. I swear this is going to come back and haunt me," Looking back at the wolf, "Get in the trunk," I demanded then busted out laughing.

I think there's something wrong with me. But, to my surprise the wolf got up and hopped inside the trunk. If he-which I found out while I was watching him, I'm not a perve its an animal- was any bigger he would not fit in my trunk. After getting situated I shut the trunk then hopped in the front and started driving.

Fifteen minutes later I am in town with no clue on what to do. The vet most likely wont take him in if he seems aggressive, and I would rather not let a strange animal loose in my home. As I was driving around town I saw Alex, Parker, and Leah, along with another girl who I do not know walking.

My mate. The human. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now