We needed our mate.

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I kissed her. Sparks were sent through our bodies. We were as one, as equals. My wolf itched to mark her. With each hickey came the temptation to mark her. The only thing stopping me was me not wanting her to become apart of this world, my world.

It had been a full week without talking to her. Without touching her and it killed me, but I was busy.

"I see you've finally come back," William is the first I encounter when I finally enter the pack house. It's been a little over a month, but I am no longer scared of the devil I call my father. Beth is the first child to greet me.

"Is Paiten with you?" She asks. I shake my head and before I can tell her anything she runs off.

"What did you do with your son father?" I asked. It was either me take him down here and now or have the council dethrone him and me loose my title for being the coward I am.

"I don't have a clue as to what you mean," he chuckled.

"William what's going on?" My mother comes around the corner, "Jonathan! You've come home! Come here sweetie!" She attacks me in a hug and kisses. I push her back.

"Get off me," a growl erupts from behind me.

"Don't talk to your mother like that!" I roll my eyes.

"William it's fine he's just a hard shell to crack. Talking of shells I made dinner. Everyone come and join!" Mother takes me by the arm and yanks me towards the kitchen, "have you seen your sister? Audrey seems to have gone missing again. I swear that girl is going to end up pregnant or worse. I though I taught her better."

I can't take it, but I did. They talk about us as if we are trash! She is our own flesh and blood the person who held us in her womb for nine months. Yet she is only our birth giver not any mom of ours.

Everyone sat around the table as the omegas of the pack served us. When she said she made tacos she meant the omegas cooked. They are treated as slaves once again under their care. It sickens me, omegas are only meant to help, not be treated as slaves and beaten when they disobey!

The omegas that serve us are ever so thin, what has become of this pack?

I stood up abruptly, "father, I want to take my rightful place as alpha until Paiten is found."

He shakes his head and laughs, "son this responsibility that comes with being alpha is not for you. Your nothing but a delinquent who rots his lungs and liver away!" He spat at me.

I growled my eye turning pitch black, "IT'S MY PACK! YOU GAVE NO RULE NO ATHORITY HERE! I WAS WEAK WHEN I LAST CHALLENGED YOU, BUT NOW, NOW I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" Father stood up eyes now pitch black also. This was my pack and I wanted it back.

"You dare challenge me again, when last time you ran away in fear!" Everyone got up from the table and were ushered out by my mother. Ethan being the only one to stay.

"Your weak! Father deserves to rule! I should be next in line not you coward!" Ethan said I was in front of him in a millisecond he didn't back down, the fourteen year old challenged me. HE CHALLENGED ME! I picked him up by his neck throwing him against the wall. He was knocked out the second his back hit the burgundy wall.

"My fight is with you, not with the children who fight your battles for you," my eyes turned towards my father. My wolf now in control and he knew it.

"No one fights my battles but me!" He charged at me. I did just as I did to each and slammed him on the table. The old man was getting slow. I'm faster than him now. The wood table broke in half.

Taking, but a minute the old man got back up, jumping on me mid air he attempted to attack me, side stepping him I grabbed his tail and slammed him into the wall. He was not going to get the best of me this time. Im pissed and wanted revenge. I wanted blood.

Grabbing my father hind legs I pulled him towards me. He was not getting away without a fight. He snapped and growled trying to get at me. I snapped his snout shut, closing down as hard as I could until I heard a snap, the cracking of his jaw. Music to my ears.

"SHIFT!" I commanded. He was no longer in control. I was. He shifted and took blow after blow as I punched him in the stomach. He laughed as I did so even with a broken jaw. It just made me mad, madder than I have ever been. I was finally pulled off of him when he was spitting blood.

"Tie him up put him in the cells," someone spoke as I tried to kick him in the face.

"I'll help escort him down," a different voice said. I tried to break away from the person that held me back my canines already coming through I am furious, I am ruthless.

"Parker hurry up! He's out of control I can't hold him for l-" just then my vision blurred and I broke out my captors arms throwing him to the side.

"Alex!" It was a girls voice. I was fight with my wolf. Trying to take control, but he wouldn't let that happen. He was shifting and I was fighting with him not to shift. He needed to calm down, and I wasn't the one that needed to do it.

We needed our mate.

My mate. The human. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now