. . . frozen in place .

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Liam sat at the kitchen table coloring a page of the coloring book I had found in the children's room. I sighed and paced the kitchen. Liam looked up at me and I stop pacing.

"Can I have a grill cheese?" I smiled. Now only if I could be as care free as him.

"Sure," when we go to the cabin a day ago it was fully furnished with everything anyone would ever need including a full children's room. I got to work making two grill cheese sandwiches one for me and one for Liam.

When they were both done I placed them on two plates and sat at the kitchen table. Liam dig into his sandwich as well did I, only having the stomach to eat half of it. I pushed the plate away from me.

"When can we go home?" Liam asked me suddenly. I looked at him.

"Soon, hopefully," I whispered the last part under my breath.

"Ok can I go play?" He asked I nodded my head. He ran off to the play room and I clean up the mess putting the plates in the sink.

Leaning on the sink I sighed. What was I supposed to do being merely a human. Rain started to pound on the window above the sink and I looked up through curtain. Looking out into the abyss of the forest I suddenly see a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

Jumping back I back up and look out the curtain to see nothing. Tripping over a table chair I call out, "Liam come here for a second."

He comes running up behind me, "Yes Miss Lina?"

"I want you to gather your stuff in a small bag ok? We're gonna go on a little trip," he nodded his head and rand off again. I did the same grabbing a bag and sticking a few things inside.

"Liam!" I hollered again, "let's go."

I throw open the front door only to slam it shut again locking it. I put my back to the door as the other on the opposite side knocks three times. Liam comes running out of the play room looking at the door behind me

"Evangeline open the door," I shook my head and dashed away from the door dragging Liam with me to take shelter behind the couch.

"We should open the door," Liam spoke. I shook my head, "but he's the good guy."

"Evangeline let me in or I will break down this door," I shook my head and looked down at Liam.

"Hey, buddy. Your gonna go with ok? You'll be fine I promise," Liam looked up at me.

"Where will you go?" He asked. I put a finger to my lips and pointed towards the kitchen where the back door was. I could put myself in jeopardy but not him.

"Evangeline you have till the count of three," I motioned for Liam to go open the door and I went to the kitchen. Just as I heard the front door open I dashed out the back door.

Only to be stoped short. A pair of arms wrapped around my torso sending sparks to shoot through my whole body, "stop. Stop running from me," a voice whispered in my ear setting me on edge.

My heart longed to be with this man, but my brain screamed for me to fight and get away. I didn't know which to follow so I stayed frozen in place.

Men soon swarmed around us, "we found her!" They shouted in hooray. Jonathan let me go and turned me to face him. I was still frozen not being able to decide what to do.

"Evangeline your coming back with me," my eyes met his and my lips parted but no words can't out. I let him take me by the hand and pull me through the woods to cars they parked at a clearing.

I stopped. Was I really going to just go with them without a fight? I answered my own question. No matter how much I despised Jonathan he was probably the only one that could keep me safe.

So, I let him lead me wherever no saying a word the whole trip back to his. . . Pack as they would say. When we got with in boundaries of his 'you-know-what' it was in shambles. It had been destroyed in the attack.

The cars came to there final stop and I was lead inside the destroyed mansion. Glass litter the floor along with dried blood. Everyone was working to restore the mansion back to its formal glory. I stood at the garage entrance not know what to do, feel, or act.

I was and am confused. Confused about what's going to happen next.

My mate. The human. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now