We scare our Mate

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I stood up and looked at her. She held a terrified expression. Walking towards her I asked, "Do you know who I am?" She looked down and nodded her head.

Finally reaching her I put my hand under her chin and make her look up at me, "who am I?" She shivered at my voice I chuckled.

"Mate,"she breathed out on the verge of tears.

I shook my head, "Don't cry. What's wrong?" I pull her into a spark filled embrace. Tears soon fill my tank top and I comfort my crying Mate. She wrapped her arms around me and at last spoke.

"Y-your going to reject m-me," my eyebrows rose and I pulled her to look up at me.

"Why would you think that?" More tears filled her eyes and she buried her head in my shirt.

"Because I'm just And omega and your Alpha Jonathan's beta. Your higher in power than me, why would you want me?" I laughed.

"I want you because your made for me. Your my Mate!" At this moment the door decided to open and I put the girl behind me.

"Hey the alpha needs to talk to you," Parker speaks. He is followed by his brother. They eye the girl behind me.

"Ok," I turn and face the girl, "What your name?"

"Harley," she speaks a whisper.

"Parker I trust you more stay here with Harley. Alex come with me," I spoke to the twins.

"Hey! Im trust worth!" Alex defended himself.

"Yah no your a cheater," I spoke walking towards the door.

"Hey! I won that game fair and square!" I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go before Alpha Gean gets pissed," Alex stops objecting and comes with me. He leads the way to what I suppose is Alpha Gean's office.

We knock on the door to hear a scruff 'com in'. Doing as the voice says we walk into an office like library. It was smaller than what I imagined.

"Let's Get strait to business. Have a seat," doing as told I sit in one of the lounge chairs, "the former alpha of The Primrose Pack broke our treaty. He attacked without warning, and he attacked even though we had a treaty. Now I hear Alpha Paiten is missing so Alpha Jonathan is taking charge."

I nod my head, " the former alpha was out of his mind, power hungry as you would say. Now we are trying to do right by his wrong," I pull out the treaty papers, "This is the former treaty. You can look ove it but I assure you, it is the same as before."

"Why should I sign this? How can you assure me your pack won't attack my pack without warning again?" I sigh.

"Alpha Gean, with all due respect we have no business to gain from your pack. We are superior to you, if you know what's best for your pack I would sign the treat. We are just trying to keep the peace," he scoffs.

"Trying to keep the peace then. For the well being of my pack I will sign the treaty," he pulls out a pen and does just that, handing it back after he's done.

"One more issue to address."

"And what issue would that be?" He leaned back in his seat.

"One of your pack members just so happens to be my mate. I wish to take them back with me, to my pack," he sits up again.

"Is it so. Who is the lucky man?" it took all my willpower not to roll my eyes.

"Her names Harley, one of your omegas," he slapped his hand down on his desk.

"The moon goddess is absurd! Pairing two females together! Gods know what she was thinking," my face got hot. Never have I been so insulted! I stood up claws bared.

"Leah, stop!" Parker spoke grabbing ahold of my wrist.

"Very well then, take her. I don't want to get all rallied up for such a worthless werewolf," breaking out of Parker's grip I get ready to shift and rip him to pieces.

The door bursts open Alex walks in followed by a shaking Harley. Alpha Gean takes this time to escape the scene happening before him, "go work your magic or something before a war breaks out," Alex pushes Harley towards me.

Mid shift I stop and look at her. She walks towards me with fear in her eyes. We scare our Mate. I frown at the thought and go back to human form enveloping her in a hug, "we're leaving now. The treaty was signed they break the treat it will be a massacre for them. Alex, Parker get our things I'll get the car."

Picking up Harley bridal style I make my way out the pack house and to our car.

My mate. The human. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now