Change of Heart

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1 Year Later
I taped the last box in room. I was all packed and ready to move and start my new life with Dino. We were moving to Manhattan Beach. I had a few things left to handle with the movers so I stayed behind.

Life without Dante has definitely been hard. I still cry at the thought of him. I miss him so much.

Just then my phone rang. Dino was calling me.
I answered smiling.
Me: Hi baby
Dino: Mi amor. I need you to hurry I miss you.
Me: I know papi. The movers are putting the last bit in the truck. I'll be leaving here in about 15 minutes.
Dino: Okay mami. Call me as soon as you're on the road. Rub my baby girl for me. I love you baby.
Me: I love you more.

I rubbed my belly. 7 months pregnant. I felt on top of the world but I can't lie, there was an emptiness there.

The movers loaded the last box and took off. I walked through the house turning off all of the lights. I heard a door close. I turned around and walked out and it was a man in a moving uniform.

"Oh gosh they left already. I can take you back or to my new house if you'd like," I said.

He started laughing. "I'm right where I need to be," he said.

I froze. My heart stopped. That voice sent chills up my spine. Not in a good way, but in the bone chilling horror film kind of way. He turned around.

"Surprise baby. Did ya miss me," he asked with that evil ass grin.

I took off running towards the door. I opened it and nearly got out, but he was too quick. He grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor.

"See Val I lost everything behind you. You made me kill my son. Then you had the nerve to not answer my calls or write me back while I rotted in fucking prison," he said coming over to kick me in the side.

He grabbed my head and punched me in the nose causing me to immediately bleed. I wiped a mixture of tears and blood off my face.

"What you gonna do Damien? Kill me? Might as well. My heart died with Dante," I said spitting in his face.

His face filled with anger as he slapped me across the face.

"Get up bitch!! I'm not killing you. I am taking you with me though. You fucking belong to me now," he said breathing heavily.

I hunched over in pain. He walked over to me picking me up gently. I flinched at his touch.

He grabbed my face. "Val I loved you. I loved you so much," he said kissing me slowly. I gave in long enough for him to get comfortable. I kicked him in the balls and took off for the door again. I grabbed my purse and ran to my car.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove off immediately. I drove a couple blocks away and pulled off long enough to call the police.

Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency?
Me: I...I need help. I'm on Hamilton and Sparks. There's someone after me.

I got up and ran to the car. My brother was waiting in the drivers seat.

"Danny drive. We'll cut that bitch off around the corner", I said. I got in and he took a short cut leading us right to her. Danny pressed on gas and rand directly into her car causing it to flip over.

Just as I hung up the phone, there was a slam into my car, flipping me upside down. I immediately began to panic. I could smell the gasoline.

I was jammed in. I looked up to see who was in the car. It looked like 2 heads but no one was moving. I knew it was Damien though. I didn't have to see. I knew I had to get out of here. I had to save my baby. I tried removing the seatbelt but it wouldn't budge.

I screamed out to the top of my lungs for help. I fought and fought to get out of that seatbelt. I can't lose my baby!!!

I woke to Valories screams. She sounded terrified. I looked over at the drivers side and there was blood everywhere. I grabbed my brothers neck to check his pulse. He was dead!!! This is not what the fuck I had in mind!!!

"Noooooooooooo!!! Danny!!!! Nooooo!!!!," I screamed. Val continues screaming for help. Tears rolled down my eyes. What was wrong with me? I killed my son. I killed my brother. I lost my life.

I climbed out of my front seat and looked at her. She was bloody and crying. I pulled out my gun and walked towards her. I cocked it and pointed it at her crying face.

For some reason I couldn't pull the trigger. I killed my own son but I couldn't kill Valorie. Her car started to catch fire. I turned to walk away before the cops came.

"Damiennnnnn hell meeeee please!!! Please don't do this," she screamed. As the fire started to spread I don't know what came over me but I ran back to help her. I had done enough damage.

I cut her seatbelt and pulled her out of the car. She stood there shaking and staring me in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes. The sirens broke my trance. I took off as fast I could. I had to get away!!!

A Few Hours Later
I sat up in my hospital bed. I tried calling Dino again and it went straight to voicemail. I don't understand where the hell he is!! I've been so shaken up. I almost lost my babygirl.

Just then there was a knock at the door. There was Doctor Patel and a police officer. I started to freak. My palms were sweating and I felt my face getting flushed.

"Valorie this is Officer McCoy. He just wants to ask you a few questions," Dr. Patel said. I wiped my tears and nodded my head.

Dr Patel left the room. "I will make this brief as I know you've been through a lot. I need you to tell me everything that happened," he said.

I looked up at him. "I was packing the last of my things with the movers. I left my old house and was followed. Whoever followed me slammed into me when I pulled over," I said.

He wrote down notes on his pad. "Do you have any idea who this could have been? We're going to try and get identification of who it was, but I tell you he's burnt to a crisp," he said.

I sighed with relief as if I had told the truth.

"Well I'll let you get some rest. I'll be in touch," he said walking out and closing the door.

I just protected Damien and I let whoever was in the car take the rap. Something in me felt pity. He was a horrible person and he took his own sons life, but he has issues. He needs help. Jail isn't the place for him.

That probably was one of the dumbest things I could have done, but despite him causing the shit he saved me and my child anyway. I couldn't overlook that. I turned around to get some sleep. I was in pain and mentally and physically exhausted and confused.

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